Bethany collapses after taking diet pills, reveals Corrie’s Lucy Fallon

coronation street, bethany platt
(Image credit: Mark Bruce)

Bethany takes drastic action in Corrie to try to reduce her weight and get the bullies off her back – but she puts her health at risk, reveals Lucy Fallon

Corrie’s Bethany Platt has been picked on by bullies for months. But she becomes her own worst enemy when she starts fighting a weight problem she doesn’t even have. Lucy Fallon reveals all to Soaplife.

Bethany is bullied into believing she’s fat, isn’t she? “Yes. She’s receiving texts from several girls at school saying she’s fat, and that has made her really self-conscious and determined to lose weight.”

And Craig (Colson Smith) makes her feel even worse about herself! How? “He posts a picture of Bethany on social media, showing her breaking Max and Lily’s new swing. Bethany’s absolutely mortified when she sees the image online. She already feels really self-conscious because of the school bullies. Knowing everyone can see the photo just makes her feel worse.”

So what does she do? “She starts taking diet pills. She gets them off the internet and knows they’re illegal. She knows they’re not good for her and she hasn’t a clue what’s in them. But she ordered them in the hope they’ll make her lose weight faster and they arrive the day she breaks the swing.”

Does anyone know Bethany’s taking pills? “No way! She’s well aware she shouldn’t be taking them, plus she doesn’t want to worry her family after everything they’ve been through because of Kylie’s death.”

But she collapses at the gym, doesn’t she? “Yes. She’s taken some pills and not eaten. She is pushing herself on the running machine and she passes out. This worries her a bit, but not enough to make her want to stop taking the pills.”

How does she feel when gym instructor Gary finds the pills? “She’s really worried that he’ll tell her family. He confronts her and she’s forced to tell him why she’s taking them. Gary [Mikey North] says he’ll report the bullies, but Bethany’s not happy about that. She thinks it will make the bullying worse. She really tries to persuade him not to, but it looks like he’s going to, anyway...”

Coronation Street, ITV


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