Awks! Holly makes a move on Cain in Emmerdale


There are disastrous consequences when Holly tries to kiss Cain!

(Image credit: Andrew Boyce)

How will Cain respond when Holly tries to kiss him?


There are disastrous consequences when Holly tries to kiss Cain!


Earlier in the week Charity and Holly are at each other's throats, but when Moira suggests Holly help Victoria out on the delivery van, Charity has a cunning idea...


Earlier in the week Charity and Holly are at each other's throats, but when Moira suggests Holly help Victoria out on the delivery van, Charity has a cunning idea...


She secretly steals the petty cash box from the van when no one,s looking, knowing full well it's Holly who's going to be number one suspect for the theft! Crafty!


She secretly steals the petty cash box from the van when no one,s looking, knowing full well it's Holly who's going to be number one suspect for the theft! Crafty!


Realising she's been stitched up by Charity, a fuming Holly later takes her revenge by slyly dying Charity's hair a sickly shade of Smurf-blue while she's at Bernice's salon... (Image credit: Andrew Boyce)


Realising she's been stitched up by Charity, a fuming Holly later takes her revenge by slyly dying Charity's hair a sickly shade of Smurf-blue while she's at Bernice's salon...


Charity's hopping mad but even madder when her ex, Cain, leaps to Holly's defence. A fuming Charity skulks off, meanwhile Holly is bowled over by Cain's kind words... (Image credit: Andrew Boyce)


Charity's hopping mad but even madder when her ex, Cain, leaps to Holly's defence. A fuming Charity skulks off, meanwhile Holly is bowled over by Cain's kind words...


It's clear she's got a big crush on her mum's hubby, but how will Cain respond when in the heat of the moment Holly leans in for a kiss? Awkward! (Image credit: Andrew Boyce)


It's clear she's got a big crush on her mum's hubby, but how will Cain respond when in the heat of the moment Holly leans in for a kiss? Awkward!


Cain gives Holly the brush off, but when Moira later gets wind of the near-kiss, Holly turns the tables and says it was Cain who tried it on with her! The cheek! (Image credit: Andrew Boyce)


Cain gives Holly the brush off, but when Moira later gets wind of the near-kiss, Holly turns the tables and says it was Cain who tried it on with her! The cheek!


However Moira's not buying Holly's story and is furious with her daughter for her manipulative lies. The pair have a heated showdown, which leaves Holly distraught... (Image credit: Andrew Boyce)


However Moira's not buying Holly's story and is furious with her daughter for her manipulative lies. The pair have a heated showdown, which leaves Holly distraught...


Holly runs off but later tries to ring Moira, to apologise and patch things up. Cain deletes Holly's voicemail message and a desperate Holly feels all hope is lost... (Image credit: Andrew Boyce)


Holly runs off but later tries to ring Moira, to apologise and patch things up. Cain deletes Holly's voicemail message and a desperate Holly feels all hope is lost...


Devastated that her mum's not responding to her call, Holly turns to heroin (Image credit: Andrew Boyce)


Devastated that her mum's not responding to her call, Holly turns to heroin


Holly takes the heroin and it's not long before a panicked Pete finds her slumped against the side of the cricket pavilion, unconscious. It's a race against time to get her to hospital (Image credit: Andrew Boyce)


Holly takes the heroin and it's not long before a panicked Pete finds her slumped against the side of the cricket pavilion, unconscious. It's a race against time to get her to hospital


When Moira has a go at Pete for her daugter's state, Ross stands up for his brother and tells Moira she should blame herself (Image credit: Andrew Boyce)


When Moira has a go at Pete for her daugter's state, Ross stands up for his brother and tells Moira she should blame herself


It's a long and anxious wait as Adam, Cain and Moira all hang around the hospital waiting for any news... (Image credit: Andrew Boyce)


It's a long and anxious wait as Adam, Cain and Moira all hang around the hospital waiting for any news...


Will Holly pull through and how does Cain feel about deleting Holly's cry for help? Watch Emmerdale on ITV from Monday, May 23 (Image credit: Andrew Boyce)


Will Holly pull through and how does Cain feel about deleting Holly's cry for help? Watch Emmerdale on ITV from Monday, May 23