Ackley Bridge

The friendship between Missy and Nas has always been the beating heart of Ackley Bridge – two bright, funny, curious teenagers who are also dealing with huge challenges.
(Image credit: MATT SQUIRE)

The friendship between Missy and Nas has always been the beating heart of Ackley Bridge – two bright, funny, curious teenagers who are also dealing with huge challenges

The friendship between Missy and Nas has always been the beating heart of this drama – two bright, funny, curious teenagers who are also dealing with huge challenges.

Tonight, Nas continues to struggle with who she really is. Is she a dutiful Pakistani daughter who will have an arranged marriage, or is she a modern gay woman who will choose her own partner but risk her father's disapproval?

Missy is also struggling with family matters when she discovers her home life is about to get even more chaotic.

With mum Simone as useless as always, Missy is fearful of what will happen to her and sister Hayley.

She reaches out to teacher Emma, but is this all too much for even survivor Missy to cope with?