Bake Off: The Professionals – C4

Bake Off: The Professionals
(Image credit: Mark Bourdillon)

More willing contenders enter the lion’s den of baking as a new series of Bake Off: The Professionals starts on C4 this week

More willing contenders enter the lion’s den of baking as a new series of Bake Off: The Professionals starts on C4 this week

Wow me, excite me and blow my mind,’ says Cherish Finden, as she fires the starting gun on the new series by challenging the teams to reinvent her favourite dessert, the bakewell tart.

Easier said than done, when it comes to TV’s pickiest pastry judge, the woman who approaches cakes with a critical eye and a tape measure!

Still, these teams like a challenge and as Bake Off: The Professionals returns, Classics Week gives them the chance to present re-imagined versions of traditional yummies.

Tonight’s showpiece challenge is to make a delicious red velvet cake that looks immaculate and tastes incredible.

It’s a pressure-cooker environment, though, and there’ll be tears before bedtime…

Hosts Tom Allen and Liam Charles will, once again, be on hand to provide a much-needed hug or a quip to keep the teams’ spirits up if the judges’ comments are too crushing, and congratulate them when praise is dished out. 

Bake Off: The Professionals

Host Tom Allen, judges Cherish Finden and Benoit Blin, with fellow host Liam Charles

Here, Cherish and fellow judge Benoit Blin tell us more about this year’s elite contest...

Cherish, what can you tell us about this year’s teams?

We have some very good teams this year, who really want to win.

I can see in their eyes they haven’t come here just to be on a TV show.

They’re determined not to make mistakes and want to go all the way.

That’s beautiful for me!

Do you ever worry that you’re too harsh on the contestants?

Benoit: No, we want the three best teams in the final, so if you are not giving them hints and feedback, you might miss the opportunity for them to improve.

Cherish: I speak from my heart and it’s always constructive – it’s very important that we critique what we see and taste honestly.

We need to be fair and I’m sure the viewers would pick it up if we lied.

Am I harsh?

Yes, because I want the contestants to progress in the competition.

The most rewarding thing is seeing them improve.

TV Times rating: ****

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