Daniel has a plan...

(Image credit: BBC)

Daniel rings a friend to help solve The Mill's IT problems...

After another partners' meeting and no working system, Daniel takes matters into his own hands and gets in contact with a friend who should be able to help them solve their crisis. When Daniel's friend Zac turns up in a slick, sharp suit and starts talking in technical terms about the system, Mrs Tembe, Zara and Daniel feel reassured that the system will be up running shortly.

During a meeting, Zac mentions the term KPI, but Mrs Tembe doesn’t understand and asks Zac to explain. Zac starts to become flustered and it is clear he has no idea what he is talking about! Frustrated by Zac's actions, Zara sends him packing and Jimmi suggests they take Al's advice of turning the system off and on again. Will the simple suggestion be the solution to their problems?

Also, Zara gives Karen the all-clear but she is determined to find out where the scabies came from. Zara tells her to move on, but when Karen pays a house visit to a patient, she may just discover where the scabies outbreak came from….

Tobi Oredein is an award-winning women's lifestyle journalist, media entrepreneur and international public speaker based in London, who focuses on race, feminism, beauty politics & popular culture. Tobi has been commissioned by Buzzfeed, British Glamour, Grazia, Elle UK, Fader, The Debrief, The Independent, The Pool, Stylist, Vice and others. She has also interviewed public figures such as Ryan Coogler, Ava Duvernay and Sir Trevor McDonald.