Inside the Factory – BBC2

Inside the Factory

Gregg Wallace and Cherry Healey are back to investigate another favourite - the humble spud in Inside the Factory

Gregg Wallace and Cherry Healey are back to investigate another favourite - the humble spud in Inside the Factory

Gregg Wallace is investigating how potato waffles are made at a huge frozen-food factory in Lowestoft as the series returns.

He observes how the factory turns 25 tonnes of potatoes into a million waffles every 24 hours, with each one weighing exactly 68g and measuring 15mm thick.

Inside the Factory

Waffling on: presenters Gregg Wallace and Cherry Healy

Elsewhere, Cherry Healey is investigating the difference between waxy and floury potatoes and also asking if the humble spud has had its chips in these carb-conscious days.

Finally, historian Ruth Goodman reveals that explorer Walter Raleigh couldn’t have discovered the potato in North America, as it wasn’t grown there until 20 years after Raleigh had died.

TV Times rating: ****

Mandy Cooper
TV Times Highlights Editor

As TV Times Highlights Editor I get to hear about all the latest TV shows coming soon. Here at TVT HQ we are in the privileged position of selecting the best programmes from across all the channels and streaming platforms. Our mission is to make it easier for our readers to decide what to watch - and give them lots of choice of genres - all the latest shows, plus some nostalgic choices we call hidden gems, too. My career began with a postgraduate degree in periodical journalism (ahem, yes old school!) in 1991 and I’ve worked in TV media since 2000.

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