Lucas tells Steph he has cancer!

After Steph drops around with a present for Patrick, Vanessa's convinced she's genuinely trying to turn her life around, but Sonya's doubts remain. Meanwhile, Lucas offers to take Steph for a ride on his motorbike. When they return Lucas realises he's late for his appointment. He races off, leaving Steph to close up. Once he's gone, the hospital calls and Steph discovers he lied to Vanessa. She goes to the hospital and Lucas admits he has cancer.

Kate's surprised to learn Georgia's baby-sitting Nell, but Georgia assures her she's fine. She even accepts an invitation to go to Charlie's, but when she sees Kyle there she is filled with anxiety. Later, Georgia meets Pete at the bar where he offers a way of forgetting her troubles - a pill.

Mason tells Lou he's still having no luck with Kate. Lou suggests it may have something to do with Noah. When Mason mentions this to Kate, she says they're just not meant to be.

Later, Kate shows up at Mason's place under the pretence of dropping work off for Amber, but really she's there to see if Rhiannon went home with Mason. Kate finally declares her feelings and the pair are on the verge of sharing their first kiss when Lou interrupts.


Ellen Markwardt
Listings Editor at TV Times

I've always had a passion for TV and movies, and got my dream job as TV Times Listings Editor over a decade ago. previously I was interviewing celebrities on a freelance basis for What's On TV, TV Easy and TV & Satellite Week magazines. There's nothing better than going behind-the-scenes of TV shows to bring our readers on set secrets and gossip! As well as my main role at TV Times, I also write Coronation Street spoilers for and write daily On Demand reviews.