My Grandparents’ War – C4

Carey Milligan My Grandparents’ War
(Image credit: Production Company/Wild Pictures)

In the last episode of My Grandparents’ War on C4, actress Carey Mulligan discovers how her grandfather travelled thousands of miles to fight the Japanese

In this final episode of My Grandparents’ War on C4, actress Carey Mulligan (pictured top) looks at the story of her grandad, Denzil Booth, who was just 21 when he survived a kamikaze strike during World War Two after his ship, HMS Indefatigable, was hit during the invasion of Okinawa, Japan.

In all, 14 men were killed, including two of Denzil’s best friends, and by all accounts he never forgave the Japanese for their deaths.

Carey makes a moving journey to Japan to find out more about the kamikaze suicide pilots and discovers that most of them were little more than teenagers themselves.

Carey Mulligan’s grandfather Denzil Booth, as featured in C4’s My Grandparents’ War

Carey Mulligan’s grandfather Denzil Booth, as featured in C4’s My Grandparents’ War

She also meets two men who were on the Indefatigable alongside her grandfather and witnessed the fatal attack, which exploded on the flight deck right next to Den’s radar room.  

‘I can’t imagine ever being that brave to operate under that pressure at such a young age,’ says Carey, who was five when Denzil died.

‘I don’t think I had any sense of the proximity.

‘It suddenly made my grandfather’s war very real.

'It’s a miracle he survived.’

For full listings, see our TV Guide.

TV Times rating: *****

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