Robbo saves the day!

Brody, Ziggy and Kat are safe and well thanks to Robbo

Kat is unaware that she has arrived at the motel room where Brody and Ziggy are being held hostage. As she opens the door, she is knocked out by one of Zannis's thugs. Out cold on the floor, Kat is tied up and her gun is removed. Zannis and his men flee, but they run straight into Robbo who stops them in their tracks and removes the gun from Zannis safely.

Kat who has woken up and witnessed Robbo's act of bravery finally realises what his profession could have been. Hailing Robbo as a hero, she takes him for a drink and, as the pair chat away, the chemistry between them builds...

Elsewhere, Justin heads over to the Ben and Maggie's house to find out if they've seen Ziggy. Maggie says no and their conversations are interrupted as they both receive phone calls from the hospital explaining that Ziggy and Brody are receiving treatment there. Ben, Maggie and Coco rush to Ziggy's side, and Ben and Maggie watch on as Coco has a breakthrough bonding moment with her sister. Maggie then turns to Ben and says she hates Brody for his actions, especially after her past. What's in Maggie's past that has made her turn on Brody?

Seeing his wife's concern, Ben heads over to the Morgans' house and threatens Brody. To makes matters worse, Ziggy calls time on their friendship. Later, Ziggy apologises to Coco for her behaviour and says she's done something for her. What exactly has Ziggy done?

Tobi Oredein is an award-winning women's lifestyle journalist, media entrepreneur and international public speaker based in London, who focuses on race, feminism, beauty politics & popular culture. Tobi has been commissioned by Buzzfeed, British Glamour, Grazia, Elle UK, Fader, The Debrief, The Independent, The Pool, Stylist, Vice and others. She has also interviewed public figures such as Ryan Coogler, Ava Duvernay and Sir Trevor McDonald.