World's Busiest Cities: Delhi

World’s Busiest Cities: Delhi

On the final stop of their 'megacities' tour, the team visit Delhi, the world's second biggest city

Dan Snow, Anita Rani and Ade Adepitan end their 'megacities' tour in Delhi, India, which has the same total area as Belgium but contains twice the number of people, with a population of around 26 million.

As Dan finds out what it's like to travel around the world's second busiest city on its streets and underground trains, Anita visits Asia's largest fruit and veg market, which is around the size of eight football pitches.

Meanwhile, Ade mucks in at a waste-sorting centre, helping its workers build better lives for themselves.

Ade may have got the rubbish job this week, but it's the most humbling.

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