Casualty EXCLUSIVE: Eddie-Joe Robinson on Ryan Firth’s heartbreaking exit from Holby

Eddie-Joe Robinson as Ryan Firth in Casualty
Eddie-Joe Robinson reflects on his time as Ryan Firth in Casualty. (Image credit: BBC)

Eddie-Joe Robinson — Casualty exclusive

Nurse Ryan Firth’s departure from Casualty in Aftershock was one to remember, with the junior medic deciding to call it quits after a violent assault at work left him traumatised.

We caught up with Eddie-Joe Robinson, who has played Ryan Firth since April 2023, to talk about his time on Casualty, Ryan's impactful exit and what the future holds...

Eddie-Joe Robinson exclusive exit interview

Ryan has been a great Casualty addition, you must have been delighted when you landed the part?

“Yeah he is a great character - very strong and quite different to myself in terms of his temperament, which is always the best character to play. I was so excited to go into Casualty every day and be that loveable asshole that Ryan was really!”

Have you enjoyed his character development?

“Yes, and it’s been really pleasing to play. When Ryan first turned up he thought he was the top dog, knew everything and was going to work his way up in an instant. The whole experience has been a reality check for him. He realised that although confidence is an asset, it can also set you back and that you need a lot more to be a good nurse. While it’s a good thing to have a reality check I also think, at times, he lost some of that self confidence and cheekiness. He was just getting that back and starting to see a future at the ED where he might fit in… That's the tragedy of it.”

Yes, he was really beginning to endear himself, it’s such a shame to see him go…

“It's been an interesting arc for Ryan, both in terms of who he is as a person and his place within the ED, but also in terms of the audience's perception of him. There were definitely times during his tenure that he wasn't best liked by the audience. I’m sure there will be a couple of people happy to see the back of him!”

How did you feel when you first found out what his departure would involve?

“I knew I was going to be leaving, but you're always wondering how you're going to leave. While I was on the show there were a couple of other people that left at a similar time and it's a point of real speculation of how your character is going to exit, so I was really excited to find out. When I saw what it involved, I was even more excited because it’s really high drama and going out with a bang.”

Ryan Firth beaten up and in hospital after being attacked.

Charlie was by Ryan's side as he recovered in hospital.  (Image credit: BBC Studios)

He’s almost unrecognisable in some of the hospital scenes in Aftershock. Did you have to spend a long time in make-up?

“Yes, 45 minutes to an hour just purely on the face. Silicone prosthetics were used around my eye to make it look like it's swollen and closed shut. They glue on eye-bags on your top and bottom eyelids and that in itself takes so long because it's really delicate work. The make-up team are absolutely fantastic. I was walking around in the canteen in my lunch break looking like I’d been in the ring with Tyson Fury - everyone was giving me a second look. I sent some pictures to my family and they were horrified, but it’s just a testament to how brilliant they are in the make-up room.” 

Who supports Ryan most after the attack?

“Charlie Fairhead and Jodie Whyte are by his side, definitely. Charlie (Derek Thompson) is an oracle of wisdom and sits by him, talks to him, and tries to ease Ryan’s pain and worries. Then Jodie (Anna Chell) arrives and tries to lighten the mood. Jodie and Ryan have an interesting relationship - they’re previous lovers yet also have this brotherly/sisterly vibe where they take the mick out of each other. She’s really there for him in that moment.”

Sady it’s not enough after everything he’s been through. What is the turning point where he ultimately makes that decision to leave?

“As bad as Ryan is physically, mentally he’s at an all time low; he's struggling, questioning himself, questioning his place in the ED, and not in a good place whatsoever. This isn’t helped by what's going on in the hospital at the same time. 

Aftershock is set about two weeks after Tinderbox and in that time there's been a huge spate of cases of violence in the ED, which is quite triggering for him. He feels like he can't escape it. If everything was calm and he was supported then he might have been able to make a different decision, but it's a perfect storm basically, and that leads to his ultimate decision.” 

It feels like there could be more to explore with him, like his relationship with his father…

“Part of Ryan’s backstory is that his dad is a surgeon who is well off and has a lot of status. Ryan wanted to follow in his footsteps, but didn't quite get the grades to do medicine, so he chose nursing instead, but he could never live up to his dad’s expectations. It explains a lot, like his bravado and that mean streak as well. I think that comes from real insecurity. It's a shame that we didn't get to unpack that.”

You ended up staying on Casualty for a couple of extra months, didn’t you?

“Yes, I was only contracted for six months and that was my decision to start with. Then, about halfway through they said ‘can we keep you for another couple of months?’ and I couldn't say no, I was enjoying it so much!”

Casualty is one of those shows that gets you recognised in the supermarket. Has that happened?

“Yes, a couple of times! I've always just been so grateful. It's brilliant that the show is still this popular after all these years. That's testament to the producers keeping it fresh. When a show's been going on for this long, it's no mean feat to keep audiences engaged and trying to bring new audiences in.” 

Fab four. Anna Chell, Eddie-Joe Robinson, Sarah Seggari and Barney Walsh joined Casualty in April 2023 as junior nurses Jodie Whyte, Ryan Firth, Rida Amaan and Cam Mickelthwaite.

Fab four. Anna Chell, Eddie-Joe Robinson, Sarah Seggari and Barney Walsh joined Casualty in April 2023 as junior nurses Jodie Whyte, Ryan Firth, Rida Amaan and Cam Mickelthwaite.  (Image credit: BBC)

What are you going to miss most, do you think?

“The people, for sure. I loved the filming, I loved the acting and I love the character, but the cast and crew made it for me. Because of the nature of the show you build up friends really quickly. Working on a recurring drama is like no other TV experience. With other jobs, you turn up for a couple of weeks, get to know people, have a couple of evenings together, maybe go for a meal, but then that's it, you may never see them again. On Casualty you build up relationships so quickly, especially with us four nurses who came in together. We went through such a mad but brilliant time and formed a strong bond really quickly. We're really good friends.”

Have you had a favourite storyline?

“This last one and all stuff with Jodie and Max, when Ryan was spreading rumours about them. I love playing the pantomime villain. All throughout my career and in school I would always relish playing the bad guy - I’ve got a bit of a villainous look about me! So that was fun. But I'd say these last two episodes, especially Aftershock, I get to really flex my acting muscles - it's one of the few times where you see Ryan truly vulnerable.”

Did you take any keepsakes from the set?

“Yes, Ryan’s name badge, which is lovely to have. When you leave you’re allowed to take a piece of clothing too and there was one jacket I really loved so I asked them for that. When I’m wearing that out and about I feel a little bit more like Ryan!”

What’s next for you?

“Acting wise, absolutely nothing… but that was intentional! The main reason why I only signed on for six months is because I’m writing at the moment. Casualty is amazing, but also quite time-consuming. To be able to give it my full focus I had to put my writing on the back burner. Now I've finished filming I've been full steam ahead on trying to create my own projects and get that all off the ground.”

The door has been left open… Could Ryan return to Casualty in the future?

“You never know! That was one of the things that I was excited about when I got the [final] script - at least he’s not going to die! It would be a dream to come back, even just for an episode to cause mayhem - he's very good at that! - and then jog off again! I’m so fond of my time in Cardiff, it was a really special and amazing job.”

With Ryan having exited the building, what will the future hold for the remaining staff at Holby ED? Find out when the medical drama returns to our screens on Saturday, January 13, 2024 at 9.20pm on BBC1 with Barrier, when more medics weigh up their future in an increasingly hostile working environment.

Eddie-Joe Robinson takes us behind the scenes of Ryan Firth’s brutal assault

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Elaine Reilly
Writer for TV Times, What’s On TV, TV & Satellite Week and What To Watch

With twenty years of experience as an entertainment journalist, Elaine writes for What’s on TV, TV Times, TV & Satellite Week and covering a variety of programs from gardening and wildlife to documentaries and drama.


As well as active involvement in the WTW family’s social media accounts, she has been known to get chatty on the red carpet and wander into the odd podcast. 

After a day of previewing TV, writing about TV and interviewing TV stars, Elaine likes nothing than to relax… by watching TV.

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