Cleddau/The One That Got Away episode 2 recap

Ryan Moss (Gywdion Rhys) in Cleddau/The One That Got Away episode 2 recap
Ryan Moss (Gywdion Rhys) is finally apprehended (Image credit: S4C / BBC)

This Cleddau/The One That Got Away episode 2 recap contains spoilers... After Anna's shocking confession, Paul Harvey's convictions are cast into some doubt, although not for Rick, who seems determined not to admit they might have made a mistake back then. Elsewhere, Ryan Moss is finally tracked down and sheds more light on the night Abbi disappeared... 

The episode begins in a chilling manner, as a woman hurries through the night to her car on Chapel Terrace, while a hooded man lurks in the distance.

Meanwhile, at the police station, Anna Jennings (Eiry Thomas) is arrested for perverting the course of justice, yet Ffion (Elen Rhys) and Rick (Richard Harrington) don’t agree on whether she’s telling the truth. Rick believes she could be still in Harvey’s thrall and trying to help him reduce his sentence, but we think he might be desperately trying to convince himself the man they convicted was guilty of both murders back then. If she’s telling the truth, one of the killers from 12 years ago is still out there. 

Later on, Helen (Rhian Blythe) tells Rick she thinks someone was lurking outside their house, while at the police station Ffion watches the interview with Paul Harvey (Ian Puleston-Davies) from 12 years ago, looking for anything she might have missed. 

When Ffion questions Anna, she tries to understand why she was so scared of her ex-husband. She reveals that after returning from the police station on the morning the second nurse was killed, Paul furiously accused her of setting him up and strip searched her in case she was wearing a wire, before raping her. Sensitive to the depth of the trauma and how the press might react if they jail her, DCI Vaughan (Ioan Hefin) orders her to be bailed. 

Elsewhere, Rick uses CCTV to identify the hooded man who was lurking on Chapel Terrace at the start of the episode, yet tracking him down will be much harder. 

The next day Rick and Ffion learn there was no DNA evidence left at the scene of Abbi's murder. “Just like the Harvey Murders” says Ffion. They’re then informed Ryan Moss (Gywdion Rhys) is still nowhere to be seen, with no activity on his bank cards or his phone. The cause of Abbi’s death has also been confirmed as asphyxiation and the lab says she WAS eight weeks pregnant. 

DCI Vaughan says this makes Ryan Moss their prime suspect and wants to update the media, however Ffion suspects he’s trying to draw attention away from the historic murders. If that is the case then the press don’t seem to have taken the bait. 

Elsewhere, Ffion’s father has been taken to hospital after suffering a fall, but when her sister Lisa (Hannah Daniel) drives him home, he insists upon walking the last bit himself. Lisa reluctantly agrees to drop him off, but when she arrives home, Ryan Moss secretly enters her house behind her, before speeding off in her car.

Ffion’s father calls her to tell her what’s happened, but she doesn’t believe him, however when Rick checks out the CCTV, they realise Moss has taken the vehicle to try and escape. They give chase, finally apprehending him after he abandons the car at Stackpole Hill. 

Anna Jennings (Eiry Thomas) in Cleddau/The One That Got Away episode 2

Anna Jennings (Eiry Thomas) made a shocking confession (Image credit: S4C / BBC)

Ryan reveals the truth 

During questioning, Moss is being a “No Comment Karen”, but seems shocked when confronted by the pregnancy test. He also refuses to say when he asked Abbi to meet him in the woods on the night she died. It doesn’t look good for him, but he denies murder and says he just wanted to escape after the police put his picture on the news. 

He then explains how he only followed the woman on Chapel Terrace because he wanted her car. “It’s a mess,” he tells Rick and Ffion. “You wouldn’t understand.” 

Later on, DCI Vaughan advises the detectives Paul Harvey has lodged an appeal against his conviction (and he doesn’t even know his ex-wife has admitted lying to stitch him up yet) so he’s desperate for the charges to stick to Moss before it all gets out. 

Rick and Ffion aren’t so sure though, especially as mobile phone data on where Moss was when he texted Abbi is inconclusive. Ffion comes clean about all that to Moss in a bid to get him to open up and it works. He claims he told Abbi to meet him in the woods because he didn’t want her coming to the house and then when she left, he went straight to his caravan. 

In that case, Rick wants to know why his ring was found in the woods. Ryan finally cracks and admits he and Abbi had an argument and he shoved her after claiming the baby wasn’t his. “We only had sex once, she was trying to trap me!” he says. His outburst makes him appear very guilty and outside Rick initiates a hug with his old flame, although we’re not sure it’s quite the result he thinks it is. 

Ffion isn’t convinced either and her suspicions are soon confirmed when it becomes clear Ryan called her sister Lisa at 16.21 on the day of the murder. Lisa claims she bought some art off him once, before pulling a packet of cocaine out of her bathroom cupboard and flushing it down the toilet. We reckon she bought those drugs off Ryan, who was once arrested for cocaine possession. 

That evening, while the detectives are celebrating their ‘result’, Ffion discovers that when Moss was an art student, he did deliveries for a pharmacist. Could that be a potential link between him and Paul Harvey, solving the mystery of the second murder 12 years ago? Rick certainly thinks so...  

Meanwhile, the stranger who we saw with Abbi at the seafront is in the woods having a fire and he has a Heart Knot tattoo on his back. Eeeep. 

Sean Marland

Sean is a Senior Feature writer for TV Times, What's On TV and TV & Satellite Week, who also writes for He's been covering the world of TV for over 15 years and in that time he's been lucky enough to interview stars like Ian McKellen, Tom Hardy and Kate Winslet. His favourite shows are I'm Alan Partridge, The Wire, People Just Do Nothing and Succession and in his spare time he enjoys drinking tea, doing crosswords and watching football.