General Hospital's Lucky and Elizabeth should get back together and I'll die on that hill

Rebecca Herbst and Jonathan Jackson as Elizabeth and Lucky talking in General Hospital
Rebecca Herbst and Jonathan Jackson in General Hospital (Image credit: Disney/Bahareh Ritter)

Now that Jonathan Jackson has returned to play Lucky Spencer on General Hospital, I think that ultimately, he and Elizabeth (Rebecca Herbst) should be a couple again. 

Even though Elizabeth was right to divorce Lucky when he was struggling with addiction to provide some stability for Aiden, she still loves Lucky. He still loves her too. Their long history and strong bond should ultimately bring this super couple back together.

Unbreakable bonds

When Elizabeth and Lucky first got close decades ago after her sexual assault, they had the opportunity to connect on a deep level because their romance was a slow burn. Lucky was Elizabeth's best friend, confidant and defender. For a long time, Lucky was the only man she could trust. Without his support, she wouldn't have been able to recover as well as she did. In return, she became a source of stability for Lucky, who desperately needed that. 

When they exchanged vows in the abandoned church, they swore to always love each other. Even though they've broken up and gotten back together many times over the years, they always come back to each other because each of them fills a fundamental need for the other. 

They also have a bond that comes from years of marriage and raising children together (although, only one is biologically Lucky's). Sharing a child is a permanent bond. Even though parents can share a child and not have a romantic relationship with each other, for these two, the bond of parenthood and marriage just makes their romantic connection stronger.

When Lucky wasn't in Port Charles it was easier for Elizabeth to accept a future without him and create a life for herself and Aiden where Lucky was just an occasional visitor. But now that he's back, she is obviously feeling that connection very strongly.

Lucas (Van Hansis) finds Elizabeth crying in the nurse’s lounge in a recent General Hospital episode over Lucky not being able to be Lulu’s donor because she feels his pain at not being able to save his sister. That’s not just sympathy for an ex going through a hard time. That’s grief for someone she truly loves suffering. 

A timing issue

Jonathan Jackson and Rebecca Herbst as Lucky and Elizabeth in a tender moment in General Hospital

Jonathan Jackson and Rebecca Herbst in General Hospital (Image credit: DIsney)

Timing has always been a problem for these two. They have rarely been emotionally in the same place at the same time. Lucky's lifestyle and his addition to painkillers understandably upset Elizabeth. 

She was focused on trying to create a life for her kids, so she prioritized being a parent. But she was jealous of Maxie and the other women that Lucky had relationships with during that chaotic period of his life.

After Lucky brought Elizabeth's son Jake back to Port Charles they shared a special moment, where both of them knew that Lucky leaving again wouldn't be permanent. Even then they sensed that they would be together again someday. 

Lucky still has work to do

After learning that he can't be Lulu's donor because of a parasite he picked up in his travels overseas, Lucky goes to Bobbie's and ends up completely trashing the place. Clearly, Lucky hasn't learned to control his emotions yet. He has a lot of work to do before he has the same emotional maturity that Elizabeth has so that they can rekindle their romantic relationship.

Lucky has always struggled emotionally because of his chaotic upbringing. Finding out the truth about Luke and Laura's relationship damaged his ability to trust the people closest to him. He craves the stability that he feels when he and Elizabeth are together, but at the same time, he doesn't trust it. He’s not ready to make the leap and trust his feelings for her, or her feelings for him, just yet. (It's worth noting Lucky may also have residual trust issues knowing Elizabeth once cheated with Nikolas.) 

He also needs to sort out the situation with his mother and process his feelings about Lulu's illness. Even though Lucky seems like he’s going to stay in Port Charles for the immediate future, he has a tendency to run away from any serious emotional upheaval. 

Lucky and Elizabeth are end game

Jonathan Jackson and Rebecca Herbst as Lucky and Elizabeth talking at a table in General Hospital

Jonathan Jackson and Rebecca Herbst in General Hospital (Image credit: Disney/Bahareh Ritter)

After watching these two characters come together and break apart for decades, I am convinced they will ultimately end up together again. When Lucky becomes more emotionally mature, and Elizabeth accepts that she will always love Lucky, I think it's inevitable that they'll reunite.

Elizabeth has made her life in Port Charles about being a good mother, providing stability for Aiden and helping others. Lucky has been fighting his demons all over the world. But Aiden doesn't need Elizabeth as much now that he's older and Lucky seems to be gaining ground over his demons. 

Elizabeth has always represented home, stability and love to Lucky. Once he gets past his fear of having those things and then losing them, I think he will be able to settle down and make a life with Elizabeth. When the dust settles these two people who have a strong bond of trust and love will likely reconnect and have a relationship that carries them into the next phase of their lives.

Sonya Iryna

Sonya has been writing professionally for more than a decade and has degrees in New Media and Philosophy. Her work has appeared in a diverse array of sites including ReGen, The Washington Post, Culturess, Undead Walking and Final Girl. As a lifelong nerd she loves sci-fi, fantasy and horror TV and movies, as well as cultural documentaries. She is particularly interested in representation of marginalized groups in nerd culture and writes reviews and analysis with an intersectional POV. Some of her favorite shows include Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, The Handmaid’s Tale and The Sandman.