Kleo season 2 episode 1 recap: CIA joins the suitcase hunt

Kleo at CIA agent Rose point guns at each other in Kleo season 2 episode 1
(Image credit: Netflix)

Kleo season 2 is at last on Netflix and here we recap everything that happens in episode 1, titled "The Seahorse".

The episode opens with us at once seeing the suitcase! A US diplomat has what we believe is the actual case. "Kimberly! You?" she says to her driver. Kimberly replies: "Yes, ma'am. Jessica called in sick." The diplomat asks to go to Tempelhof airfield. "Yes, Mr President the briefcase is in my possession," boasts the diplomat, but we're guessing not for long! And Kimberly shoots her dead. Kimberly then retrieves a very dead Jessica from the boot and sticks her in the front seat. Kimberly now has the red suitcase and for an extra touch of flare blows up the car outside the Olympic stadium. 

Jella Haase in Kleo season 2 on Netflix.

(Image credit: Netflix)

Kleo is at her house, enjoying the garden swing while playing with her gun. She has a flashback to her romantic night with Sven. Unhappy about that, she kicks the door and the bell goes and it's her mother with doughnuts! Her mum seems to be unmoved by the fact that Kleo is pointing a gun at her. Her mum comes in and apologizes for what happened the day before when she rejected Kleo. She says sorry for her mistakes and then leaves again. Kleo grabs a hug and her mum whispers: "I'm being threatened. I need to go away for a while. You know what to do." There's a man in a van outside listening and secretly recording Kleo. Kleo finds a load of listening bugs in her house and starts destroying them. The man in the van has Kleo's photo. Kleo listens to the news which says there have been two fatalities, “both of them members of the US diplomatic mission in West Berlin."

In one of the doughnuts, Kleo finds a message from her mother: "Destroy the suitcase". She wonders how her mother knows about the suitcase. As Roxette's "The Look" plays, we see Sven for the first time. And he's talking to Reisser, who was seen in season 1. 

Poor Sven is in his pants and knocks on Freddy’s door. His so-called mate is now with his girlfriend Jenny. Sven blasts him for taking up with Jenny, but Freddy points out: "You went and took up with the Stassi assassin!" Fair point! The boys then start "fighting" before Jenny comes out. Jenny refuses to have Sven in the house but throws him his car keys and Freddy says Sven can stay on his couch. 

Kleo and her poodle check out the crime scene at the Olympic Stadium. She's confronted by a CIA agent who's called Rose Carmichael. "Just thinking, how's your mother?,” Rose says as Kleo begins to walk away. 

Freddy says sorry to Sven as they watch the motor racing and they share a hug. Bless! Freddy reveals that something with Min Sun's name on it was found on the American woman who was blown up. Min is Sven's contact and boss in intelligence. 

Kleo goes to her mother's house. She does find a children's book and an old photo. Meanwhile, on Sirius B, Thilo appears to be talking to his princess… who tells him to return to Earth. And Thilo's back at his club. 

Sven goes to visit Min at a hotel. He brushes by a man carrying a cello case and Sven is surprised to see blood on his hands. Sven goes into her room and is told by the CIA lady that Min has been deactivated. She tells Sven to regain Kleo's trust and spy on her for the CIA, but Sven refuses and leaves.

Kleo stares at her childhood photo and wonders where it is. Thilo walks back into Kleo's house. He introduces Kleo to Princess Ciana from Sirius B. Thilo is weird as ever. Kleo dreams of her parents and the moment her dad gave her a seahorse diving medal. She wakes up with a start and clutches her neck. Kleo tells Thilo about her dream and says her father died in a car accident when she was little. Kleo starts to wonder if the suitcase is connected to her past and says she's going to ask Aunt Margot about it. The CIA lady Rose steps into the mystery man's van and says "Nikolai". They have a little chat about the suitcase and Moscow. Rose calls Olga in Moscow and says Nikolai isn't sticking by the rules. Olga then gives the order to liquidate Nikolai.

Kleo breaks into Honecker’s house and finds a red suitcase, the one that was switched by Min for the real one at the end of the last series. And she sees Uwe! He’s not dead! Uwe is still mad as ever. Aunt Margot is also there and offers Kleo a coffee. Margot says they are all on the same side. 

Sven, listening to "Pump Up the Jam", meets up with Freddy, who gives him some files about the explosion he smuggled out. Uwe goes on a weapon-buying mission. 

Kleo thinks there's an intruder in the garden and lobs a grenade at them, turns out to be Sven! Kleo tells Sven to stop moaning as it was only a stun grenade. Kleo lets Sven in the house again and apologizes and tells her about the CIA offer. Sven tells Kleo that the CIA said only Kleo can track down the case. Sven has a theory that the Stasis had a spy in the US mission who blew up the car and took the suitcase. Kleo though refuses to work with Sven and kicks him out at gunpoint. 

The door goes and she thinks it's Sven but it's Nikolai. Nikolai warns Kleo to stop looking for the suitcase. She asks why she would do that and he produces her childhood diving seahorse medal! She has a flashback of Santa taking it off her as a kid. "This your last warning," says Nikolai...

David Hollingsworth

David is the What To Watch Editor and has over 20 years of experience in television journalism. He is currently writing about the latest television and film news for What To Watch.

Before working for What To Watch, David spent many years working for TV Times magazine, interviewing some of television's most famous stars including Hollywood actor Kiefer Sutherland, singer Lionel Richie and wildlife legend Sir David Attenborough. 

David started out as a writer for TV Times before becoming the title's deputy features editor and then features editor. During his time on TV Times, David also helped run the annual TV Times Awards. David is a huge Death in Paradise fan, although he's still failed to solve a case before the show's detective! He also loves James Bond and controversially thinks that Timothy Dalton was an excellent 007.

Other than watching and writing about telly, David loves playing cricket, going to the cinema, trying to improve his tennis and chasing about after his kids!