Mayans M.C. season 5 episode 5 recap: the Mayans and Sons do battle

Frankie Loyal in Mayans M.C.
Frankie Loyal in Mayans M.C. (Image credit: Prashant Gupta/FX)

NOTE: this post contains spoilers for Mayans M.C. season 5 episode 5, "I Want Nothing But Death."

Angel (Clayton Cardenas), Obispo (Michael Irby) and Loza (Frankie Loyal) pull up on the Sons while they are enjoying some ice cream at the Bunny Scoops. Angel fires one shot that kills a Sons member and they flee in the ensuing chaos. 

At the clubhouse the next day, the leader of the Grim Bastards pulls up to the gate with a few of his crew. The Mayans don’t trust the Grim Bastards because of their affiliation with SAMCRO. But they want to broker a peace between the Mayans and the Sons, concerned that their bloody public murders are drawing the attention of the police, the Feds and the public. That puts all the other clubs in the region in the crosshairs too. EZ (JD Pardo) is skeptical. 

Angel, riding his bike, is surprised by Miguel (Danny Pino) pulling up to him in an old truck. Miguel tells him they need to talk. He says he knows Angel torched the warehouse where the cartel’s stash was and he knows he and the Mayans killed Soledad’s (Selene Luna) men and kidnapped Elio and the supplies at the cook house in Mexico. Miguel tells Angel to make EZ drop his fight against the cartel. If Angel can convince EZ to back off, he will get Soledad to play ball and things can go back to how they were and Soledad won’t know what Angel did. Angel says EZ doesn’t listen to him. Miguel just tells him to figure it out and get EZ to stand down if he wants those secrets to stay safe.

At a meeting of the inner circle, Angel proposes they stop this campaign against the cartel. He tells the others that being drug dealers and going up against the cartel is dirty business and it’s not what the club is about. 

While the others are considering, EZ says he isn’t going to dictate to them what the club is going to do. Instead, he hands out huge wads of cash to each man and tells them there’s more where that came from if they keep going. The money is enough to convince the others to side with EZ. 

Katie (Stella Maeve) no longer has credentials to get into the prison, but she calls in a favor from a friend to get in to see Creeper (Joseph Raymond Lucero). She’s worried about him, but also tells him the rat is EZ. Creeper doesn’t want to believe it but Katie runs down all the reasons why it makes sense, including that no one who kills a cop is allowed to walk, but EZ was. Creeper can’t accept it.

Angel is desperate to get through to EZ.  He goes to Sofia (Andrea Cortes) to convince her to tell EZ to back off. She is suspicious of Angel and not about to betray EZ.

Clayton Cardenas in Mayans M.C.

Clayton Cardenas in Mayans M.C. (Image credit: Prashant Gupta/FX)

Devlin (Dana Delany) is told by her boss to back off, because the higher ups within the ATF are protecting Lincoln Potter (Ray McKinnon). She tells him that must mean she’s getting close to finding something and plans to make her first move against Potter that day. She goes to see Miguel and Emily (Sarah Bolger). She can tell Emily could be a weak link she can use. 

Meanwhile, Potter is coming down hard on Soledad for ordering the killing of Villar-Fuentes. He says she had no authorization to do that. He also informs Soledad that Miguel met with Angel. Soledad, furious Miguel was keeping secrets from her and jeopardized her partnership with Potter, leaves. Potter reminds Miguel he’s the one who has given him everything and he can take it all away, too. 

Obispo takes things to the next level with Maggie (Presciliana Esparolini) by attending her granddaughter’s first birthday party and meeting her son. Something changes for Obispo when he holds Maggie’s granddaughter. 

Creeper gets confirmation EZ cut a deal with the Feds and he’s the rat. As he’s processing this, EZ arrives at the prison to see him. When Creeper reveals he he knows EZ is the rat and he’s going to tell Loza, EZ grabs Creeper and falls with him to the floor, making it look like Creeper attacked him. This gets Creeper thrown in solitary confinement so he can’t make the call. EZ feels the noose tightening and he knows he has to get the goodwill of the club now before Creeper gets to a phone.

Jospeh Raymond Lucero in Mayans M.C.

Jospeh Raymond Lucero in Mayans M.C. (Image credit: Prashant Gupta/FX)

EZ and the Mayans meet the Sons on neutral ground at the Grim Bastards enclave. Everyone is frisked for weapons and are told to behave. But Isaac Packer (JR Bourne) isn’t one to play by the rules. EZ demands the surrender of the Sons. Packer suggests a duel instead. The strongest Son against the strongest Mayan to end this feud. EZ tells the others he said he’d bleed for them and he will, so he stands for the Mayans.

EZ takes a brutal beating that almost kills him, but in the end he beats his opponent and the Mayans stand victorious. Packer takes the remaining Sons and leaves. EZ is pretty badly injured, but he is celebrated by the Mayans. His calculated plan to win their loyalty before Creeper can get to Hank might be enough to save him.

Elsewhere, Letty (Leticia Cruz) and Hope (Vanessa Giselle) aren’t off the hook yet for stealing from Butterfly (Spenser Granese). At the end of the episode, Isaac Packer and Butterfly burst into their apartment, which is definitely not going to end well for them.

New episodes of Mayans M.C. season 5 premiere every Wednesday at 10 pm ET/PT on FX. The latest episodes are available to stream the next day on Hulu.

More on Mayans M.C.

Sonya Iryna

Sonya has been writing professionally for more than a decade and has degrees in New Media and Philosophy. Her work has appeared in a diverse array of sites including ReGen, The Washington Post, Culturess, Undead Walking and Final Girl. As a lifelong nerd she loves sci-fi, fantasy and horror TV and movies, as well as cultural documentaries. She is particularly interested in representation of marginalized groups in nerd culture and writes reviews and analysis with an intersectional POV. Some of her favorite shows include Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, The Handmaid’s Tale and The Sandman.

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