Tell Me Lies season 2 episode 6 recap: cheers to Thanksgiving tension

Sonia Mena, Catherine Missal and Branden Cook in Tell Me Lies
Sonia Mena, Catherine Missal and Branden Cook in Tell Me Lies (Image credit: Disney/Josh Stringer)

There's a lot of aggression trapped in one house this Thanksgiving, as in Tell Me Lies season 2 episode 6 Evan (Branden Cook) invites everyone over for Friendsgiving. But the only thing being served is drama, especially for our main relationships. 

Here's what happened in the Tell Me Lies season 2 episode 6, "Do Your Dirty Words Come Out to Play?"

A chance to be happy

We start off with Bree (Catherine Missal) on the phone in 2015, telling a mystery person that she's getting married tomorrow and this is her chance to be genuinely happy. She expresses her desire to have a family and a life where she doesn't feel like a visitor. Before hanging up, she asks the person to leave her alone so she can feel like a good person again. 

At the rehearsal dinner, Lydia (Natalee Linez) is missing from the festivities, but Bree tells Lucy (Grace Van Patten) that she will be there at the wedding. However, someone surprising does come: Diana (Alicia Crowder). Pippa (Sonia Mena) walks in after and the two share a kiss, everyone noticing immediately. The couple make their way over to Bree and Lucy so Pippa can confirm that Diana is the woman she's been seeing. When Diana goes to find their table, the two are ready to ask a million questions, but Pippa just asks them to be cool because she's really happy.

Stephen (Jackson White) makes a toast to Evan (Branden Cook) and Bree, which leads to Lucy texting him when she gets back to her room, saying she needs to see him. He goes to meet her at the pool, but when he gets there, he finds Lucy and her boyfriend having sex. Naturally, we know this won't end well, but that's all we get for now. 

A table set for nine

Back in 2008, a snowstorm leaves the whole school trapped for Thanksgiving. Leo (Thomas Doherty) gets a text from his mom. When Lucy asks about it, he explains it's easier to avoid family stuff because of his dad, but his mom wants them to make peace. As for Bree, Oliver (Tom Ellis) tells her he won't really be able to talk to her over the holiday due to lack of privacy. 

With Thanksgiving dinners all sold out on campus, Wrigley (Spencer House) invites the girls to Evan's for Friendsgiving, and Bree actually says yes to the idea. Stephen originally wasn't supposed to go but his trip to Connecticut isn't happening because of another fight between Diana and her father. She comments how he started speaking to her the same way he speaks to her mother. Her boyfriend tries to push her to still go for the sake of their future since they still need his help, but he definitely doesn't go about it the right way. 

Wrigley tries calling Drew (Benjamin Wadsworth) again for the holiday, but doesn't have any luck and just leaves another voicemail. Meanwhile, Evan is shocked when Molly shows up at his door, sharing she's gonna stay there since the roads are too crazy, which obviously throws a wrench in his plans to spend time with Bree. Thankfully, Wrigley takes the fall for inviting Bree, but Molly has no issue with it and right after the girls and Leo are making their entrance. 

Things are thrown for a loop when Stephen and Diana show up. Diana points out that much when they're in the kitchen together, but Stephen just responds that due to her "new daddy issues," this is their only option. Pippa overhears and rescues her, asking for her help with the mashed potatoes. Lucy notices how close the two seem and talks about it with Bree before she brings up Oliver. She sent him a picture and he still hasn't answered. Lucy assures her it's probably nothing, but she's upset she can't have Thanksgiving with her boyfriend. Pippa interrupts and Bree brings up what Lucy said about her and Diana, which just makes it all more awkward.

It's game time 

Thomas Doherty in Tell Me Lies

Thomas Doherty in Tell Me Lies (Image credit: Disney/Josh Stringer)

With Stephen and Leo together in the kitchen, it's a recipe for disaster, so Lucy goes to make sure everything goes smoothly. But Stephen is ready to start trouble, bringing up Leo's ex and his history. Molly is speaking with Diana about the accusations against Chris, clearly not believing he did anything but Diana shuts her down. Molly then reveals to Evan that Bree's seeing someone, which is a shock to his system.   

Wrigley decides it's time to play slap shots. Leo's ready to back out but Stephen is all too ready to challenge him, so he agrees to play. It goes as well as you would expect with Stephen trying to get a rise out of Leo, Evan rather than slapping Bree gently puts his hand on her cheek and Molly slapping him as hard as she can before storming off. 

Stephen approaches Lucy, asking about Leo's ex again, which clearly frustrates Leo. Not wanting to give Stephen a chance to push the topic further, he tells Lucy Stephen is the one his girlfriend cheated with. Lucy gets upset by the whole thing and accuses Leo of only dating her to get back at him. He denies it, of course, and the whole scene gets heated, including Stephen ranting about what Lucy's done to him. This leads to Lucy and Diana getting into it before Lucy slaps her. 

Leo walks out and Lucy follows. The two break up because the thing between her and Stephen is too much for him to deal with. She tries to bring up all of his "secrets" only for Leo to explain that when he was a kid his father would physically go after him and his mother until he hit him back. That was the only way his father stopped and how his anger pattern started. After everything, he decides he can't do this with her anymore because she uses people's worst things against them.

Lucy does go back in and apologize to Diana before leaving, but Pippa makes it clear she blames Stephen for what happened. Evan confronts Bree about what Molly said and she confirms she is seeing someone. When she reveals that he's 45 years old, Evan gets very concerned, bringing up how she's looking for a father figure because of how she grew up, which flips her out and causes her to leave.

Pippa stays and while speaking with Diana, she brings up how badly Stephen is treating her. Naturally, Diana has an excuse and adds that they can be friends. 

Meanwhile, Oliver finally contacts Bree and it's like they didn't skip a beat. 

The next day, Lucy runs into Stephen and tells him that he wins. She continues that she never wanted to be at war with him, she loved him despite knowing all of the worst things about him, then asks why he's punishing her for that. 

New episodes of Tell Me Lies drop every Wednesday on Hulu

Sophia Soto

Sophia Soto has a passion for all things entertainment and currently writes for The Nerds of Color. You can see her work on What To Watch, Remezcla, Looper, Den of Geek, Young Hollywood and more. Some of her favorite shows include Grey's Anatomy, The Goldbergs, Riverdale and Roswell, New Mexico. She is a complete Marvel nerd as well!