The Lincoln Lawyer season 3 episode 8 recap: Mickey scores a huge win in court

Manuel Garcia-Rulfo as Mickey Haller at his desk in The Lincoln Lawyer season 3 episode 8
Manuel Garcia-Ruflo, The Lincoln Lawyer (Image credit: Netflix)

In The Lincoln Lawyer season 3 episode 8, "Mystery Man," Mickey (Manuel Garcia-Rulfo) and new attorney Lorna (Becki Newton) prove to be quite the dynamic duo as they defend Julian (Devon Graye). Their teamwork leads to a big court win that opens a floodgate for Mickey’s case. However, in the final moments of the episode, a surprise stabbing leaves Mickey’s defense in limbo. 

Elsewhere, Izzy (Jazz Raycole) has reached a crossroads that has her calling into question what she wants to do next with her life. Will all her thinking push her to quit the team? 

Here's everything we know about The Lincoln Lawyer season 3 episode 8. 

Lorna flexes for the  judge

It’s early morning and Mickey and the team are talking shop before he and Lorna have to go to court. The big question is how they can get the video of De Marco (Michael Irby) and Bishop (Holt McCallany) at Peter Sterghos' (John Kapelos) home into evidence? Mickey says it’s not going to happen unless they can persuade the judge to reverse her decision about De Marco not being allowed to testify. He tells Cisco (Angus Sampson) to track down Trina Trixxx (Tania Raymonde) and see if she’s willing to confess that De Marco pressured her into changing her story. 

Before they leave, Lorna notes how overwhelmed she feels lately as the second chair on Julian’s case, all while trying to keep up with all the office invoices. Izzy offers to help her, which Lorna greatly appreciates. 

In the judge’s chambers, Forsythe (John Pirruccello) complains that Mickey’s amended witness list is practically new with 30-plus names, objecting to all of them testifying. Mickey says he has a solution, by crossing off many names on the list. He reduces his list to Sly Sr. (Paul Ben-Victor), Peter Sterghos and Bishop. 

Forsythe still has objections starting with Sly Sr., who Forsythe notes is a disbarred attorney in prison. Lorna says Sly has a unique relationship with Hector Moya (Arturo Del Puerto) and Hector has insight into Glory Days (Fiona Rene). Forsythe counters the testimony would be hearsay, and the judge agrees. 

Next, Forsythe takes issue with Peter, saying he has no relevance to the trial. Lorna again jumps in saying the defense wants to present an alternate theory to the murder of Glory Days. They believe Peter may have important information about the double homicide from 10 years ago that’s been pinned on Hector, and Glory Days may have known about it. The judge again denies the defense. 

Lastly, Forsythe objects to Bishop as he had nothing to do with Glory Days. Lorna retorts the defense is allowed to question investigators who gather evidence for the prosecution. On this, the judge agrees. 

Cisco finds Trina

Angus Sampson as Cisco on a motorcycle in The Lincoln Lawyer season 3

Angus Sampson, The Lincoln Lawyer (Image credit: Lara Solanki/Netflix)

Cisco goes to Trina’s apartment, where the door is unlocked but she isn’t home. He walks in to find trash bags throughout the place, and takeout and clothes all over. Cisco calls Mickey to tell him Trina is gone or someone got to her. Mickey thinks she got over her head and ran. He suggests one place Cisco can look. 

Per Mickey’s suggestion, Cisco arrives at Kendall Roberts’ (Molly Burnett) home and asks if she’s seen Trina. Kendall claims she hasn’t, but he says if she does please let Trina know he just wants to help and make sure she’s safe. Cisco turns to leave, then Trina appears, willing to talk. Unfortunately off-screen, she tells Cisco she won’t help with Mickey’s case until De Marco has been arrested, fearful the DEA agent may come after her. 

Mickey and Lorna score courtroom wins

Mickey questions Detective Whitten (Paul Schulze) on the stand, noting the officer attained call records for Glory Days 14 days after her murder, when Julian was already arrested. The attorney asks the detective to look through a copy of the phone records in court at a phone number Glory Days dialed on August 3, one week before the murder. He then pulls back up the photo seen in the episode prior of Glory Days being served a subpoena on the same day. Mickey establishes through timestamps that Glory Days was served less than an hour before making the call, and in the picture, she clearly looks frightened. 

When asked, the detective admits he doesn’t recall looking into the number, so Mickey gives the detective his phone and asks him to dial the number. It rings and someone answers from the Drug Enforcement Administration. The Detective scrambles saying it’s impossible to know if Glory made the call or if someone used her phone to make it, but he also admits he didn’t know Glory Days was an informant for the DEA against Hector Moya until law enforcement began the discovery process a few months ago. But even when he learned of the information, he concluded that had nothing to do with Glory Days’ murder, it was just coincidental. 

Given the revelation of the DEA ties to Glory Days, Mickey approaches the bench and asks the judge to change her mind about De Marco testifying, which she does. Mickey has Lorna text Cisco to serve the agent a subpoena. 

The next day, Mickey calls the manager of The Roosevelt Hotel, Victor Hensely, (Kayvon Esmaili) to the stand. Victor states that on the day before Glory Days’ murder, Daniel Price and his wife were checked into room 837. Coincidentally, Daniel Price was the person Glory Days showed up at the hotel to meet the night she was killed. However, Victor says the real Daniel and his wife checked out of the hotel hours before Glory Days arrived. 

Victor also shares that Glory Days arrived at the hotel at 9:41 pm, took an elevator to the eighth floor and left the hotel by 9:50 pm. He says this is all seen on the video footage he handed to Bishop two months ago. Mickey pretends to be outraged that the prosecution never sent over this footage (although thanks to Cisco, Mickey’s already seen it). Responding to Mickey’s understandable outrage, the judge allows the video clip to be played in court. 

As the video plays, Mickey has Victor describe for the jury what’s happening.  Mickey asks about the mysterious figure in the black hat. Victor doesn’t know who it is, but is certain it’s not an employee of the hotel because they are out of uniform. He says in his professional judgment as the manager and former head of security, that it appears Glory Days was being followed by the mystery person. 

After the end of the trial for the day, Mickey and Lorna see Forsythe chewing Bishop out in the hallway about the video, as Forsythe himself wasn’t aware it even existed. 

Izzy lands a new job

Jazz Raycole as Izzy Letts in the office in The Lincoln Lawyer season 3 episode 8

Jazz Raycole, The Lincoln Lawyer (Image credit: Lara Solanki/Netflix)

As the team is handling case business, Izzy meets up with her friend Cat (Wilder Yari) who has torn her ACL. Cat says she’s out of commission for a while, but the TV studio still needs a choreographer, so she recommended Izzy take her place. While appreciative, Izzy looks incredibly scared. 

Izzy shares the news with Mickey. He congratulates her on the opportunity, but she says seeing Cat on pain meds frightened her and reminded her of her dark times when dancing. She loves to dance, but she also loves the family she’s built with Mickey, Lorna and Cisco. However, she says she can’t be Mickey’s driver for the rest of her life. Mickey tells her she’s in luck because a new office manager position opened up and she may be the perfect candidate. She happily accepts the offer.

Julian is stabbed in prison

Although Cisco is unable to serve De Marco the subpoena, he did manage to pass it along to the DEA’s in-house attorney, meaning it’s a coin toss if De Marco will show up to testify. Still, Mickey and his team are feeling rather hopeful about their case. 

Unforutnately, that hope may be shattered, because in the morning during a prison transport, Julian is stabbed repeatedly by another inmate. He collapses in a pool of his own blood. 

The Lincoln Lawyer season 3 is now streaming on Netflix. 

Terrell Smith

Terrell Smith has a diverse writing background having penned material for a wide array of clients including the federal government and Bravo television personalities.  When he’s not writing as Terrell, he’s writing under his pseudonym Tavion Scott, creating scripts for his audio drama podcasts. Terrell is a huge fan of great storytelling when it comes to television and film. Some of his favorite shows include The CrownWandaVision, Abbot Elementary and Godfather of HarlemAnd a fun fact is he's completely dialed into the TLC 90 Day Fiancé universe.