Tulsa King season 2 episode 4 recap: Dwight has wind farm competition

Sylvester Stallone in Tulsa King
Sylvester Stallone in Tulsa King (Image credit: Brian Douglas/Paramount+)

After Bigfoot (Ca$h Flo) drops a quiet Tyson (Jay Will) at his parent's home very early in the morning, he tells Dwight (Sylvester Stallone) that Tyson did well. Dwight asks Bigfoot to stick around and keep a lookout. When Dwight walks back inside, Joanne (Annabella Sciorra) is awake, worried. Dwight's actions feel like the bad old days, especially as they live in a high security neighborhood with muscle outside.  

Dwight insists they're not in danger, but Joanne doesn't believe him. Dwight admits they took out a made-man from Kansas City because he was coming for Dwight. After his explanation, Joanne says Dwight provoked and then killed one of Bill Bevilacqua's (Frank Grillo) men. It's clear Bill is not just going to stop, and it's not just Dwight that is in danger. His family and friends are, too. Dwight says he needs to think. 

Will Dwight change his approach? Is his family suddenly in danger? Here's what happens in Tulsa King season 2 episode 4, "Heroes and Villains."

Family struggles

Tyson helps his dad Mark (Michael Beach) repair his old van. When Tyson tries to give his dad money to get a new van, Mark refuses it. 

At the same time, Dwight teaches his grandchildren how to punch ahead of their first day at school. Tina (Tatiana Zappardino) insists they're attending a non-violent school and should talk to their teachers if they’re in trouble. But Dwight warns them never to rat. 

Later, Dwight admits to Tyson he could have been calmer with Bill Bevilacqua when he first came to see him. He thinks he should have made a deal. But Tyson says Dwight doesn't do anything by half-measures. Later, Mitch Keller (Garrett Hedlund) tells Dwight he's never going to change, as he's always in pursuit of the rush that comes with the criminal lifestyle. 

Dwight arrives at the Even Higher Plane and immediately closes the store, forcing the customers to leave. Dwight tells Bodhi they might have some trouble coming their way after the Carlo murder and they could all be in danger. A furious Bodhi storms out, Tyson follows him. Bodhi explains he didn’t sign up for any of this, he just wanted Dwight to help him commit white collar crime, not murder. Tyson says they're in this together, but Bodhi remains unconvinced. Tyson then gives a speech to the rest of the Even Higher Plane gang, saying Bill thinks Tulsa belongs to him, when it belongs to them. He says if anyone wants to leave, they can. But no-one does, not even Bodhi.

Wind-farm negotiations

Cal Thresher (Neal McDonough) pays a visit to Manny (Max Casella) and gives him another envelope full of cash. He then asks Manny where Dwight gets his weed. Manny says he's looking at a place up north and that it's something to do with a wind farm. When Cal leaves, Manny immediately realizes how much trouble he's in. 

At the wind farm, Dwight, Mitch, Bodhi and Tyson meet with a family of native Americans who will be fronting the business. Med Hat (Gregory Zaragoza) wants 20% of the energy produced by the wind farm, which is reasonable for Dwight. Ahanu (Makela Yepez) adds they want 20% of their sales from the weed. That's not reasonable. Med Hat reveals they have had another offer, less than an hour ago, from Cal Thresher. 

Bodhi tells Dwight they'll be able to make the math work. They're ultimately able to make a deal, especially after Med Hat says they'll be able to help with any repairs due to a special program. 

Kansas Blues

Bill calls Chickie (Domenick Lombardozzi), furious that Goodie (Chris Caldovino) didn't betray Dwight. Bill says his wife could have easily seen Carlo's body at the front of their house and that he had to bury Carlo in the woods, rather than give him a proper burial. Bill insists he wants Dwight dead, then hangs up on Chickie. 

Later, Bill's wife tells him that Carlo's wife has been calling her all day, as he didn't come home last night. She asks Bill bluntly, is Carlo coming home? Bill says he doesn't know. She realizes Carlo is dead. 

New leader?

Domenick Lombardozzi and Vincent Piazza in Tulsa King

Domenick Lombardozzi and Vincent Piazza in Tulsa King (Image credit: Brian Douglas/Paramount+)

When Vince (Vincent Piazza) teases that Chickie's father Pete (AC Peterson) would have solved the issue between Dwight and Bill, a drunk Chickie suggests Pete didn't actually die of natural causes. Instead he murdered his own father. Vince looks disgusted. Chickie then passes out. 

With Chickie still unconscious, Vince decides to answer Bill's call. Bill is again livid, as Chickie didn't call him back with a new plan like promised. He's starting to believe he's putting too much stock in New York nowadays. Vince suggests he and Bill can solve how to take Dwight out on their own, especially since Dwight is now on high alert. Bill immediately sounds interested. Vince says he'll contact him again through proper channels. 

Cal's new problem

Cal tells Jackie (Rich Ting), a stakeholder for his weed farm, to stop growing and selling heroin on his land. Later, Cal demands he gets 50% of any heroin Jackie has sold so far, much to Jackie's annoyance. The pair then confront two Chinese immigrants, who have been trafficked and forced to work on the farm, after they were caught stealing. Cal just wants to hit them, as a message to the other trafficked workers. But Jackie shoots them both in the head. Jackie then tells Cal this is what he does to people who take money out of his pocket. 

New episodes of Tulsa King season 2 premiere Sundays on Paramount Plus in the US, Mondays in the UK.

Gregory James Wakeman

Born and raised in England but now based in Philadelphia, Gregory Wakeman has written for the BBC, New York Times, The Guardian, GQ, and Yahoo Movies UK, all while defiantly trying to keep his accent.