Hollyoaks' Anna: 'Sienna drugs Nancy!'

Anna Passey reveals to Soaplife that Hollyoaks' Sienna will do anything to get baby Oscar – and Darren!

There are plenty of single men in Hollyoaks... Why doesn’t Sienna go after one of them?

"She’s never had boyfriends or normal relationships with people. She didn’t set out to bag herself a man. She fell in love with Oscar first. It was all about the baby, but then she noticed Darren. She’s never met anybody like him before. He and Oscar are all she wants."

So, she’ll go to any lengths to get rid of her love rival Nancy?

"Nancy came back from Canada determined to clean up her act, just as Sienna was talking to Darren about her feelings for him. She’s desperate to get her out of the picture. Sienna doesn’t think Nancy deserves Darren and Oscar. So Sienna’s going to make Darren believe Nancy is still an addict."


"First of all, she spikes Nancy’s drink and, when that doesn’t work, she pushes Oscar’s pram into the road. It’s empty – Sienna is cradling Oscar – but Nancy doesn’t know that and her instincts kick in. She jumps in front of the car to grab the pushchair and gets run over…"

But Nancy’s not killed so Sienna doesn’t stop there…

"She tells Nancy to take a drugs test to prove to Darren that she’s clean. Of course, Sienna is drugging her so Nancy will fail the test."

But Darren says he doesn’t need to see a piece of paper to trust Nancy…

"And Sienna panics a little. She can come up with all sorts of tricks, but she can’t force Darren to change his mind about Nancy. That makes her a bit more desperate."

Desperate enough to do what?

"The next day Sienna drugs Nancy’s tea and puts Oscar on the floor, making it look as if he has fallen out of his cot. Darren comes in and is horrified. Sienna then gives him the results of Nancy’s positive drugs test."

But Nancy is on to her?

"Yes, Dr Browning explains that Sienna picked up her prescription. Nancy comes home and punches Sienna. She then asks Darren to choose: her or Sienna..."


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