How to cancel CBS All Access

(Photo credit: Jace Down/CBS)

(Photo credit: Jace Down/CBS)

Best answer: Follow the link , sign in, and confirm your cancellation. That's it! If you have a subscription with one of their approved providers your account is actually free for live TV streaming only. Instead of cancelling you should link your CBS All Access account to your provider and claim your free service. Otherwise, if you're looking into other streaming services make sure you check out Fubo TV or Hulu !

How to cancel your CBS All Access Account

  1. Click here .
  2. Sign in.
  3. Confirm your cancellation.

When you cancel an account with CBS All Access you aren't refunded the money you already spent on your subscription. Instead, you will continue to have access to CBS All Access for the duration of your most recent billing schedule. When it comes time for a new payment CBS will honor the cancellation and not renew your account, but it'll be sad to see you go.

If you have a subscription with any of the cable providers below your CBS All Access account is entirely free for streaming their live TV. Instead of cancelling you account sign in on the CBS website, link your service provider , and get back to watching your favorite live shows. Note: You can only watch live TV with this option; you can't access any of the other features without a subscription.

Here's a list of the supported cable providers.

  • Dish
  • Frontier Communications
  • Hulu
  • Optimum
  • Spectrum
  • Verizon
  • Mediacom
  • PlayStation Vue
  • Suddenlink
  • YouTube TV
  • TDS
  • Service Electric Cablevision
  • Fubo
  • BendBroadBand

So... Now what?

Now it's time to look into other subscriptions. Just because CBS All Access didn't work for you doesn't mean there isn't a plan out there that will.

You could always try the ever-popular Hulu . You can get a Hulu subscription with or without ads and if you get the top-tier membership you can also add Live TV to your plan. Here you'll have access to most of your favorite shows on a plan you can partially customize to your needs . Not sure about taking the dive? Hulu offers free trials for new customers to try before they buy.

Then there's Fubo , which is basically the Ritz of cord cutting services. There are endless possibilities and customizations for the plans to ensure they're all catered to fit exactly what you want. There are 10 different bonues and add-ons that you can put on your plan and never miss a single episode of anything .

Essa Kidwell loves curling up on the couch to watch all the best horror, comedy, and cartoons they can get their hands on. They're always on the search for the best new shows and movies to watch, but also hunting for the best deals for you to take advantage of! Find them on Twitter @OriginalSluggo or Instagram @CosmeticChronus.
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