How to sign up for D23 to get the Disney+ Discount

When Disney announced their streaming service, Disney+ I think a lot of people were worried it would be overly expensive and not worth the effort. Disney is making it plain that isn't the case though.

Now if you sign up for the Disney fan club, D23, you can get a massive 33% of the subscription for Disney+ if you buy 3 years subscription in advance. That works out to be a little over $140 or around $3.40 if you break it down by month, which is, frankly, amazing value.

We put together a how-to for you so you can quickly sign up to get this excellent offer.

How to sign up for D23

  1. Go to
  2. In the right-hand corner of the site click on the Join D23 button.
  3. Scroll down until you find the button that says Become a D23 General Member and click on it.
  4. You will be taken to sign in with your Disney account. If you don't have one you will need to create one.
  5. Once you have signed in go to the top right and hover over the my account button.
  6. Click on the View account link in the drop down menu.
  7. You likely won't have the offer yet. Check back daily until the offer arrives.
  8. You will see the screen below in your account when the offer arrives.
  9. Click the Redeem Now Button
  10. You will be taken to a page to fill out all of your information, including payment details and what Email you will sign up to Disney+ with.
  11. Fill in all the details and complete the setup.
  12. You will receive a confirmation that looks something like this.

And that's it, you will have paid just over $140 for 3 years of Disney+, that's just $3.42 a month for so much content I can't even give you a sample of it as the sample would be too big.

Note: You may have to wait up to three days before you see the offer appear and you only have until September 2, 2019, to get this deal, so go quick!

Anything that can help reduce the cost of these streaming services is worthwhile in my eyes, even if it means jumping through a few hoops!

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