How to cancel my CuriosityStream subscription

Canceling your CuriosityStream subscription is relatively simple. That said, depending on whether you signed up via the CuriosityStream website, iTunes, Google Play, Roku, or Amazon, there is a bit of variance in the process. We'll walk you through each, and offer a few alternatives in case you're not quite done with streaming.

Alternatives to CuriosityStream

How to cancel your CuriosityStream subscription through the iTunes store

  1. From the iTunes store, tap on your Apple ID then tap **View Apple ID. **
  2. Tap on Subscriptions.
  3. Tap on CuriosityStream.
  4. Tap on Cancel Subscription.
  5. Follow the onscreen instructions.

How to cancel your CuriosityStream subscription the Google Play Store

  1. From the Google Play store, open your account menu by tapping the three horizontal lines in the search bar.
  2. Select Subscriptions from the sidebar menu.
  3. Tap on CuriosityStream.
  4. Tap on Cancel Subscription.
  5. Follow the onscreen instructions.

How to cancel your CuriosityStream subscription through Amazon

  1. Open the Amazon Appstore. If you are on a Kindle Fire, you can do this by selecting Apps -> Store.
  2. Select Subscriptions.
  3. Select CuriosityStream Subscription.
  4. Disable auto-renewal.

Note that if you cancel your CuriosityStream subscription in the middle of a pay cycle, you will retain access to all CuriosityStream features and content until the next cycle. There is no fee or penalty for cancellation, but CuriosityStream does not offer refunds.

How to cancel your CuriosityStream subscription online

  1. Visit your Account Page .
  2. Click on Cancel.
  3. Follow the onscreen instructions.

How to cancel your CuriosityStream subscription through Roku

  1. Press your Roku remote's Home button.
  2. Highlight the CuriosityStream channel from the onscreen menu, then press the Star button on your remote.
  3. Select Manage Subscription.
  4. Select Cancel Subscription
  5. Confirm your selection, then save your changes by selecting Done.

CuriosityStream Alternatives

Maybe CuriosityStream wasn't quite your cup of tea - and that's okay! There are plenty of other streaming services out there that offer a great library of educational content. Our personal favorite is Amazon Prime Video , which offers both documentaries and other content. There's also IndieFlix , with an extensive library of independently-filmed movies and shows.

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