What devices does Philo support?

If you've been looking into getting a streaming service and Philo has been catching your eye, there are loads of questions to ask besides just price. Whether you can stream on your phone or TV, it all depends on if your devices are supported by this service. Thankfully, there's a whole list of devices that Philo supports, so make sure yours is on there before you make the jump.

Mac and PC

You can watch Philo from your Mac and PC, which isn't a huge surprise as long as you have the support browsers. You can watch from any Mac computer running OS X 10.8 or higher and any PC running Windows 7 or higher using a supported browser, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, or Safari. Your laptop is a perfect way to find your favorite shows and watch on the go with Philo.


Apple isn't left out here, as Philo has full support of all the Apple Devices, including your iPad. Any Apple device running iOS 7 or higher is supported, and you can watch your shows by downloading the iOS app . You can travel anywhere and catch up on your favorite live shows with just a single app.


In December 2018, Philo finally unveiled its Android TV app. (You can download it here , or search directly from your Android TV device.) An app for Android phones and tablets is still in the works, however. Philo supports most Android devices running Android 4.4 or higher on their website through Google Chrome. Even though there's not an official app, you're still able to see your favorite shows while you're on the go.


It's not a huge surprise that Roku is one of the supported devices, considering that it's got a lot going in the way of streaming services. Philo is supported on loads of Roku devices, and they even have a list of certain devices{.nofollow} if you're worried yours isn't supported. It's a great way to watch your shows on your big screen and not even miss cable.

Although Philo isn't available on streaming devices like Fire TV, Apple TV, or NVIDIA Shield, their website makes it seem like those are coming in the future. It's also said that they are working on an app for Android as well, so you don't have to go to your browser to enjoy your shows. Make sure to keep an eye out to see when they'll be coming out with all of these new streaming additions.

Even more with TVEverywhere

Those are the platforms for which there are native apps for Philo. The list actually expands a bit thanks to a service called TVEverywhere . Using its app, you'll also be able to watch channels available on Philo on devices like Xbox One and Amazon Fire TV — which otherwise don't have Philo apps.

But there's a catch. Not every channel is available on every device .

Updated Dec. 20, 2018: Philo is now available on Android TV.

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