Couch Potato Pickings | Kissing Jessica Stein and other girls kissing girls

Heather Juergensen,Jennifer Westfeldt

Showing on Channel 4 tonight at 1.05am

Katy Perry apparently tried it, and liked it. Sex and the City’s Samantha Jones tried it, and was rather surprised by it. Girls, girls, girls, both young and a little older have, in recent years, been granted some seriously sexy role models to encourage them to cross the traditional boundaries of the dating game.

Luckily, being tied to tradition isn’t necessary these days. The blinkers are off and we’ve realised that we don’t have to spend our lives following the same unadventurous paths as our parents.

No, thanks to those popular shows where same sex relationships exist alongside heterosexual ones (Sex and the City, Friends, Will & Grace, Hollyoaks, to name just a few) it’s no longer shocking or unusual for a girl to try out dating another girl just for the hell of it.

And why should it shock? We try out new foods, new wines, new fashions, new TV shows and new gadgets all the time, why not new sexual experiences. As I regularly say to my friend with the inexplicable Haggis phobia, “If you’ve never tried it, how do you know you don’t like it?”

And that’s why tonight's film works for me. The title character Jessica Stein

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