Couch Potato Pickings | Slumdog Millionaire - is this film overrated?

Slumdog Millionaire

Is Slumdog Millionaire overrated?

I'm afraid that I think so. It's not a bad film. The photography is stunning and it's an obvious crowd pleaser, but it also suffers from weak acting on the part of its two leads and has a plot structure as contrived as the game show it's based on. Yes, it's entertaining, but it's also instantly forgettable.

Slumdog Millionaire

For me, Slumdog is a three-star movie, not the five-star film it's often rated as. As I've said before here on Movie Talk, Slumdog's fellow contender on the 2009 awards circuit The Reader is a far better film and was robbed of the recognition it deserved. Do you agree or disagree? Check out what I have to say about both movies here.

Every movie fan does of course have their own subjective list of overrated films and maybe I'm the only one to include Slumdog Millionaire on mine, who knows? But, while I'm on a roll, here are some of the others that leave me cold:

- Donnie Darko

Donnie Darko

A pointlessly puzzling waste of time, or a compelling psychological drama?

 - Pulp Fiction

Pulp Fiction

A stylish five-star masterpiece, or much like listening to someone who loves the sound of their own voice but has little of interest to say.

 - Citizen Kane

Citizen Kane

The best film ever made, or the film that nobody ever watches?

 - The Matrix

A dazzling comic-style adventure, or a confusing cure for insomnia?

 - Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Couching Tiger Hidden Dragon

A balletic bore, or five star modern classic?

 - Forrest Gump

Forest Gump,Tom Hanks

Run as far as you can from this mawkish melodrama, or savour it like a delicious box of chocolates?

Slumdog Millionaire is showing tonight (13th January) on Channel 4 at 9pm.

The Reader is showing on Sky Movies Premiere on Friday 15th at 10pm

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