Couch Potato's Tuesday Trivia: Will there be a Brand new star for a Drop Dead Fred remake?

It was British comedian Rik Mayall (looking disturbingly like Jedward in this pic) who was the unforgettable star of crazy 1991 comedy Drop Dead Fred. In the movie, he plays a woman's imaginary childhood friend who comes to life to cause havoc.

The film was a big flop at the cinema, but it acquired a cult following. And, there were mumblings a few years ago that it would be remade - with none other than British comedy bad boy Russell Brand in the title role.

I've no idea if that's still on the cards, but what do you think? Is this movie worth remaking, and would raunchy Russell do it justice?

Check out Drop Dead Fred tonight - Tuesday 3rd Jan- on G.O.L.D. at 9pm

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