From Mega Pythons to Piranhacondas, there's no escaping gargantuan monster mash-ups on Syfy

There's a growing trend on Syfy for monster movies featuring genetically modified creatures of gargantuan proportions and resurrected titans from prehistoric times. Call me childish, but I just love them because they remind me of the thrill I used to get as a kid watching old 1950s giant bug movies like Tarantula, Black Scorpion and Them. With their ridiculous storylines, dodgy CGI, naff sets and bad acting, the new crop of monster mash-ups are becoming my latest guilty pleasure. Here's a few the look out for.

MEGA PYTHON Vs GATOROID First up is Mega Python vs Gatoroid, which gets its Syfy premiere tonight at 9pm and promises the ultimate battle - between 1980s pop singers Debbie Gibson and Tiffany (last seen in Mega Piranha). Gibson plays an animal rights activist, while Tiffany is the park ranger feeding steroid-infected chickens to her pet gators. The catfight that ensues is a hoot. MEGA SHARK Vs CROCOSAURUS Out on DVD on 18 July is Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus, the sequel to the fintastically cheesy Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus MOBY DICK On the subject of leviathans, I recently sat through the shout-fest that is Moby Dick ROGER CORMAN: KING OF THE 'B's If you want some Class A cheese, look no further than the latest projects of Roger Corman, who has been making a career out of these kinds of films ever since Monster from the Ocean Floor back in 1955.

His Dinoshark (Syfy, 28 July, 3am) and Sharktopus (Syfy, 17 July, 8pm) are ridiculous beyond belief, but are so much fun to watch. In the former, Eric Balfour battles a prehistoric creature which is eating its way through the tourists of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico; while the latter sees a half shark, half octopus created by Eric Robert’s mad scientist escapes from its tank. And let us not foget Dinocroc vs Supergator Piranhaconda

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