Happy Birthday Robert Pattinson!

Robert Pattinson

I am purring with delight at the fact that it's Robert Pattinson's birthday, which means I have a purrfectly legitimate reason today to go on and on about the stunning star (not that I've needed much of an excuse before). And to eat cake (again, not that I need an excuse).

I just wish he was turning 33 and not 23... Mad about the boy, indeed.

If you want to congratulate Robert, you can sign your name on this huge Robert Pattinson digital birthday card that's been zooming around the globe. I'm not surprised that the whole planet's gone crazy for him - there is something slightly mysterious about Pattinson, a certain James Dean-esque darkness that I look forward to discovering more of. Let's just hope he's not into fast cars.

In interviews, Rob has said he needs to find his next project and more importantly the 'right' project fast while there is still a buzz around him. And much like Zac Efron doesn't want to be type-cast as a musical kid, Rob doesn't want to be stuck in teen vampire romances forever. Fair enough! Looking at his next two films, there seems to be no risk of that.

Currently playing at the cinema to mixed reviews, Little Ashes sees Pattinson portraying Salvador Dalí.


So far, the film has mostly received attention for its gay love scene between Robert Pattinson's character and Spanish poet Federico Garcia Lorca played by Javier Beltran.

I'm not sure how this film will fare since Pattinson fans will flock to see it, but they may not be the right kind of audience for a small art film like this. The producers however must be popping champagne corks as they are getting more free publicity than they could have ever imagined. Remember that Pattinson was only known for his role as Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter at the time of being cast.

On 18 May, another 'little' film, How to Be, will be available on DVD after a thorough run around various film festivals. Here Rob plays a geeky, struggling London musician in the middle of an existential crisis.


I can't wait to see this. Looks hilarious!

In the meantime, the (New) Moon has hit many an eye like a big a di pizza pie and it seems to be amore all around for the sequel, which is currently filming in Vancouver. With 20 November so so far away, we are gently being drip-fed posters, stills and behind-the-scenes clips. Of course there is a website!

My neighbour just called. A large box from Amazon has (finally) arrived for me, containing the first three books and the special edition Twilight DVD. Yipeee!

Now I can return the DVD I borrowed weeks ago from an equally obsessed friend, who I'm sure misses it. Lots. Sorry, Amy!

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