News Muse - getting to know Jonas Brothers


This week saw Disney's feature film Camp Rock premiere in London. But as the Royal Festival Hall rolled out the purple carpet (is this the new colour code for TV movies?) on Wednesday, the hoards of hysterical teenage girls weren't screaming about the actual movie so much as squeaking with delight in the general direction of three of its stars. Enter Jonas Brothers.

Never heard of them? Me neither. That is, until now. These kids should have a hurricane named after them, because the unstoppable efficiency at which their fame has been spreading stateside can only be compared to forces of nature.

These guys have an Official Website, an Official Fan Club, an Official MySpace and an Official YouTube channel. It’s official – they’re everywhere! And they'll be coming to your living room on 19 September when the movie will be showing on The Disney Channel.

Oh, I forgot to mention the superfan blog. Because they don’t just have fans, they have superfans, because they are superfamous. If US fame is measured in talk show appearances (and it is), they are doing well, having already been on both Ellen and Oprah. Super!

Here in the UK they've been interviewed on BBC Breakfast, and there's an online petition for them to get onto Friday Night with Jonathan Ross.

The more I read about/watch interviews with Joe, Nick and Kevin, the more fascinated I become. This boyband is so well-spoken and level-headed and down-to-earth and, and totally asexual. Not an open shirt in sight. Instead, they wear purity rings (it's like a chastity belt but smaller), sing wholesome lyrics and tour with the whole family, including 'Bonus Jonas', their also-singing kid-brother.

I'm mostly fascinated because the cynic in me (along with the tabloid press) will be waiting and watching for one of them to slip their halo and, I dunno, bed Jordan?!

It's official: I'm on Jonas watch!

Meanwhile, an already established Disney franchise is about to premiere another sequel. Yes, those rock 'n rollin' high school kids are back with High School Musical 3: Senior Year. Yep, they've grown up, just like Harry Potter and his mates. Except, they sing and dance:

I have to say, being a serious musical aficionado, I was never that bothered with the first High School Musical or its sequel. Don’t get me wrong, it’s upbeat enough to make Victoria Beckham crack a smile. But the synthetic Barbie & Ken-ness of the kids is just disturbing in a sinister Stepford Wives sort of way. Is this what our children should aspire to? Veneers?

Phew, I'm totally Disneyd out and utterly Jonafied. There, I just made up two new words.

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