Roku now works from your Apple Watch

Roku app on Apple Watch

Source: Roku (Image credit: Roku)

Roku today announced that you can now control your Roku TV or player directly from your Apple Watch. Which is kinda cool if you stop and think about it. Becaue there actually are plenty of times where getting up and walking to the couch and grabbing the remote is just too much trouble.

(You think I'm joking, but I'm not. There's a certain sort of statisfaction that comes from turning off the TV because your kids aren't listening to you — and they have no idea how it happened. But I digress.)

From your Apple Watch you'll be able to:

  • Directly control your Roku device.
  • Launch chanels. (And they're listed by the most recently used.)
  • Launch voice searches.
  • Find a missing remote control

And that last one may well be the most important of them all — finding a lost remote is a pain whenever it happens.

To get things going on your Apple Watch, just make sure you've got app version 6.1.3 on your iPhone , and you'll be good to go.

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