Strictly Come Dancing: what's Ainsley Harriott cooking up with his partner for tonight’s show?

Strictly Come Dancing’s Ainsley Harriotsizzles off the dance floor - but will he set the show alight tonight, when he performs live for the first time with pro partner Natalie Lowe? Not long until we find out…

But it seems Ainsley spent some of his practise time showing Natalie his moves in the kitchen.

Ainsley put his chef skills to use by cooking Natalie a meal inspired by their first dance: a Tango set in a Parisian bar, with Abba's Voulez-Vous as their music.

Ainsley and Natalie (BBC)

Ainsley and Natalie get cooking (BBC)

Natalie tells Ainsley she’ll teach him to dance, if he cooks her a meal.

The end result is a delicious Moules mariniere.

But what will be the end result of their Tango?

Find out as Strictly Come Dancing continues with the second live show on BBC1, Saturday, September 26, 6.15pm

Click here for all the news on Friday night's first live show, where Call the Midwife star Helen George came out top.

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