The Voice finalists are Jolan, Kevin, Cody and Lydia

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The Voice semi-finals started with eight contestants, two each from teams, Ricky Wilson, Paloma Faith and Boy George.

By the end of the night, only four acts remained — and none were from Paloma’s team.

Both of Ricky’s acts – Jolan and Kevin Simm – have made it to the finals, with Cody Frost from George’s team and Lydia Lucy from Will’s team.

Ricky has championed ex-Liberty X singer Kevin since the moment he stole him from Paloma but all the coaches like him.

Kevin with some of his former band mates before the semi-finals


“I’m really confused as to why you don’t already have a career,” Will told Kevin, after he sang Rolling In The Deep. “You sing with a voice that could move buildings.”

Viewers saw some of Kevin’s former Liberty X band mates supporting him, too. Although Kevin said about that: “Never used to come and watch me perform in the pubs and clubs in Chorley, did you?” — a reference to how he has struggled to make a living as a singer in recent years.

It was Ricky’s other finalist, Jolan, who really wowed the judges and audience, though, with his performance of Purple Rain.

“That was flawless,” Ricky told him. “Your talent is endless.”

“That was like a Brits performance,” added Will.

Cody, 18, is now the youngest contestant left but far from the least powerful.

Cody sang Fleetwood Mac’s The Chain in a way never heard before and stunned the coaches.

“At first, I was like ‘What?’ Then I was like ‘Whoa!’” said Will. “You just got away with something not many people could. It was like it was your song. That was really, really… You just took over.”

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'Look how pleased I am!' said George after Cody's semi-final performance


“I find it funny that someone so down to earth has such a galactic voice,” added Ricky.

“You nailed it,” Cody’s coach George told her. “It was amazing. Look how pleased I am,” he added, beaming.

Lydia gave a very emotional performance of I’ll Be There, dedicated to her sister who died when she was just nine years old.

“You put your soul into a classic,” Will told her.

“We don’t have Concorde any more, we have Lydia,” said George of her vocal range. “It’s incredible that someone so small can reach those high notes.”

Perhaps the surprise loser of the semi-finals was Jordan Gray, from Team Paloma.

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Boy George thought Jordan could 'win the whole show' but she didn't make the final


“If we lived in a fair and just world you would probably win the show,” George told Jordan after she sang Dancing In The Dark.

See the whole story of The Voice semi-finals here.

The Voice finals are on BBC1, Saturday, April 9, 7.00pm.

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