Things to Do Before You’re 30

Things to Do Before You’re 30

Couch Potato Pickings

On BBC3 tonight at 9.50pm

Just looking at this picture puts me on edge. I can actually hear that Neanderthal roar, which probably makes it a powerful image, but as someone who hates football, it gives me little hope for this British film, which I haven’t seen.

It seems to be about a bunch of 20somethings moaning about life, responsibilities and turning 30 (get over it) while playing football for some amateur Sunday team.

Things to Do Before You’re 30

I can't say that grabs my interest. All I have to do is eavesdrop on any random bunch of youngish blokes  in my local pub to get that sort of shallow view of life’s demands and goals. And, at least then when their banter proves to be predictable and repetitive I can walk away.

I don’t think I’ll be checking this out. Let’s face it, it’s fun enough dreaming up your own list of things to do before you’re 30, particularly if you’ve already been there and done that.

Things to Do Before You’re 30: Billie Piper

Things to do Before You’re 30:

Get a job

Leave the family home

Attend at least one live concert

Experience one period of unemployment or financial hardship

Visit at least two capital cities

Have a breakdown and come through it

Have at least one meal that costs over £50 a head

Experience sex with a man and a woman

See at least one live theatrical performance

Have at least one bottle of wine that’s worth over £25

Go to at least one wedding, one civil partnership and one funeral

Live with a pet

Experience at least one embarrassing moment that still makes you blush

Have at least one wild night that fills you with regret the following morning

Have your heart broken at least three times

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