Who won our Hobo With A Shotgun Exclusive T-Shirt Competition?

Our competition, celebrating the UK DVD and Blu-ray release of Hobo With A Shotgun, starring the legendary Rutger Hauer, is now closed.

Thanks to everybody who entered. We had some great entries about your favourite Rutger Hauer movies, but our three winners - who will each receive an exclusive T-shirt - are Stephanie Franklin from Essex, Max Webb from Galway and Jay Scales from West Yorkshire.

Here's what they had to say:

Stephanie Franklin The Hitcher (1986) 'I think this particular film suited Rutger perfectly. He was the ideal unsuspecting guy and then I think he was more brilliant when he finally revealed himself for the maniac he really was.. Plus, at the time, he was eye candy for the girls anyway'

Max Webb Ladyhawke (1985) Blade Runner (1982) 'Ladyhawke because he peforms one of my favourite movie kills by throwing a two handed sword like a throwing knife through the bad guy. Blade Runner: Best death scene ever, he thought the speech as it was in the script was too long so cut it down and added "All those moments will be lost like tears in rain. Time to die." himself.'

Jay Scales Blind Fury (1989) 'Very very eighties I know, but I love the cheesiness of it with the little boy and the bad Vegas types who kidnapped his dad! Plus the whole "blind man is amazing fighter" angle is brilliant - every time he gets mugged, or surprises someone! Also love the hot sauce scene in the diner!'

Don't forget to check out Pete's review of director Jason Eisener's wicked action exploitation homage, as well as the official UK website set up by Cult Labs forum.

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