Who's won a DVD copy of Fritz Lang's Beyond A Reasonable Doubt?

We've had a great response to our competition asking you to tell us your favourite film noir and why. Thanks to everyone who entered - it looks like Double Indemnity, starring Barbara Stanwyck, was a real stand-out amongst you classic film fans. However, here's our chosen five winners and their picks...

Max Webb on Chinatown (1974) "Nicholson on top form who else could make a bandged nose iconic. Dunaway smoulders like a cigarette, (and doesn't she have a perfect name for an actress playing the fatal feme, Done-away) A noose tight script. Polanski's cameo has to rank in the top 1 directorial cameos. A perfect film right down to the poster."

Cate Smethurst on The Maltese Falcon (1941) "It's a classic and I love the intensity throughout. Humphrey Bogart is great in this and really brings the character alive as you are never sure whose side he is on and what will happen next."

Misha Wallace on Dial M For Murder (1954) "My favourite film noir is a colour one: Dial M For Murder. Its a classic and full of suspense, you can't wait to see if the husband gets his comeuppance - the actors are great and I could watch it over and over. :)"

Tom Roberts on The Third Man (1949) "The Third Man is my favourite. Great cast including Orson Welles and Trevor Howard. So many twists and turns. Exceptional for its era"

Katie Bancroft on The Big Clock (1948) "My favourite film noir film is The Big Clock. It builds suspense so brilliantly."

A special thanks to Exposure Cinema for supplying the prizes.