'Doctors' spoilers: Harriet Shelton becomes THREATENING...

Doctors spoilers, Harriet Shelton
Harriet Shelton tries to intimidate eyewitness Marvin on Doctors... (Image credit: BBC)

Harriet Shelton (played by Carley Stenson) thought she'd covered her tracks when she lied to Inspector Zoya Okoro (Donna Berlin) about Aaron Jeffries' "accident" on Doctors (1.45pm - see our TV Guide for full listings).

So policewoman Harriet is not best pleased now that Dr Emma Reid (Dido Miles) is trying to get eyewitness Marvin Bulis (Philip Martin Brown) to tell the police what he really saw when policeman Rob Hollins (Chris Walker) chased Aaron into an abandoned warehouse.

It's just a matter of time before the truth is REVEALED!

Harriet overhears Inspector Okoro and PC Royce discussing eyewitness Marvin and starts to worry...

Meanwhile, surgery receptionist Valerie Pitman (Sarah Moyle) finds homeless Marvin and encourages him to give an official police statement.

They need to sort out this investigation and help clear Rob of any wrongdoing.

But little do Valerie and Marvin know, but Harriet is now watching their every move!

WHAT will they do when Harriet's behaviour takes a menacing turn and she tries to scare Marvin out of giving his statement..

Doctors spoilers, Valerie Pitman, Marvin Bulis, Emma Reid

WHO do Valerie and Marvin turn to for help on Doctors? (Image credit: BBC)

As filming gets underway on the TV gameshow Booty Or Bust, Rhuma Carter (Bharti Patel) and Al Haskey (Ian Midlane) both wonder what they've got themselves into.

Antiques expert Clive Cookson (Kim Wall) has QUIT the show after a scandalous secret was revealed about his wife Barbara (Alison Egan)!

Stressed-out researcher AJ Hawley (Catherine Hannay) and new presenter Cecilia Kotak (Me'sha Bryan) have no idea if Clive is coming back!

Meanwhile, Al's competitive side comes out when he realises Barbara is secretly cheating in order to win.

Al secretly tries to enlist the help of surgery colleague Jimmi Clay (Adrian Lewis Morgan) with a plan to make sure he and Ruhma come out on top.

But will honest Ruhma put her foot down when she discovers what's going on?

Doctors spoilers, Clive Cookson, Barbara Cookson

Antiques experts Barbara and Clive are the cause of a whole LOT of trouble on Doctors! (Image credit: BBC)

Doctors continues every Monday to Thursday at 1:45pm on BBC1.

Simon Timblick

Simon has long been a fan of soap operas, and especially loves OVER-THE-TOP plots involving evil twins, hair-pulling catfights and natural disasters. Anyone remember the Sunset Beach earthquake/tidal wave? Or when Krystle Carrington got locked in the attic and replaced by look-a-like Rita in Dynasty?!

Simon has written for a variety of TV and childrens’ magazines/websites including Inside Soap, Nickelodeon, What’s On TV, Radio Times, Metro, Girl Talk, Disney Girl, Toxic! and Digital Spy. He has reported LIVE from the red carpet at The British Soap Awards interviewing glammed-up stars from soapland, and hosted a Facebook LIVE session for Metro with Home and Away legend Ray Meagher (Alf "Stone the flamin' crows!" Stewart) to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Aussie soap.

Simon is also co-author of The Treasures Of Coronation Street (Carlton Books)

And the writer and director of (very!) low budget fright flick, Midsummer Night's EVIL and the sequel webisodes series, The Hatchet Woods HORROR.