Big Brother season 24: winner, episode recaps, evictions and everything we know about the competition series
After 23 seasons, the show still has plenty of new twists and turns for houseguests as well as viewers.

It’s almost hard to believe that the first season of Big Brother premiered 22 years ago on CBS. Accounting for the 23 seasons that have aired (excluding Celebrity Big Brother and other spinoffs), we’re looking at nearly 300 housemates over the years that have fiercely competed against one another for a chance to be the last person standing. While some may assume that the series must have lost some of its excitement during its long television history, Big Brother fans will argue that’s far from the truth.
This season CBS teased that viewers should "expect the unexpected." What curveballs and jaw-dropping surprises have transpired with the housemates?
Here’s everything we know about Big Brother season 24.
Who won Big Brother season 24 ?
In what may be the greatest Big Brother comeback story in the history of the show, Taylor is crowned this season's winner.
Big Brother season 24 cast
In true Big Brother fashion, show producers waited until the final hour to announce the season 24 cast. Here are the 16 competitors brave enough to enter the chaos of the Big Brother house.
If you want more information on the contestants, we've got you covered. Meet the Big Brother cast here.
Big Brother season 24 episode recaps
Episode 1
As the episode begins, the houseguests are all given a ticket, which is the thing that ultimately separates them into various groups. Each group then hosts a mini-game amongst themselves to determine which of them will compete for a chance to become season 24’s first HOH. It turns out the three contestants that come out of their groups victorious are Monte, Turner and Daniel. After the three of them race against one another to put together a drum kit puzzle, Daniel is crowned the week’s HOH.
Now while being HOH gives a player a great amount of power in the house, apparently so does holding the "Backstage Boss" ticket, which Pooch pulled upon entering the home. Not only was he able to skip the challenges for the day, but he also is exempt from voting at the eviction ceremony and is safe from being nominated. However, Julie informs him that the catch with this amazing "Backstage Boss" ticket is that he must select three competitors to join him backstage. These players can’t vote in the eviction ceremony, can’t play in the competitions, yet can still be sent home come next Thursday. Talk about a curve ball.
Pooch pulls backstage with him Paloma, Alyssa and Brittany. Thankfully for these ladies, Julie informs America that they can vote to save one of the women when the time comes.
Episode 2
With Daniel as the first HOH and Pooch, Alyssa, Paloma and Brittany placed in an interesting position after the "Backstage Boss" plot twist, the players begin plotting about what strategies and alliances they can use to help them make it until the end.
For example, attorney by profession Michael and hypnotherapist by profession Brittany opt to lie about what they do for a living to make themselves seem like less of a threat in the competition. Terrance and Nicole start to bond as the oldest members in the house, but later Nicole forms a bonafide "Rogue Rats" alliance with Daniel. Alyssa and Paloma form their own final two alliance after having a few conversations.
Paloma also manages to gather together most of the women to form an alliance. However, one woman that prefers to hang out with the guys instead is Taylor. Taylor’s strategy to align herself with the guys puts a target on her back as far as Paloma is concerned, and she starts to initiate a campaign to get Taylor out of the house. She even causes Daniel to take a look at Taylor as a nominee for eviction.
However, in the end, Daniel opts to nominate Terrance and Michael to go home. With the nominees selected, we anticipate some heavy manipulative schemes to occur before next Thursday. By the way, read how fans are already casting Paloma as the season’s villain.
Episode 3
With the nominations announced, players start plotting about what to do next. Michael goes to Daniel in an attempt to figure out why he was nominated, to which Daniel pretty much conveys that it was nothing personal. Michael then makes his rounds with other players in the house to see if one of them would be willing to play in the Veto games should he be given a "Player’s Choice" option, but none of the other contestants take the bait.
In the Veto competition, Indy, Turner, Daniel, Michael, Ameerah and Terrance go head to head in a Medieval-inspired game where they ride a mechanical horse and try to collect rings. In the end, Michael comes out victorious, which means he effectively saved himself from elimination.
Over with Taylor. For some reason, the women, mainly Paloma, seem to have it out for her. So far Paloma hasn’t been the nicest to Taylor, so it's easy to understand why Taylor was hesitant to jump on board Paloma’s plan to unite the women of the house to split up the guys. When Taylor shared Paloma’s scheme about the guys with Monte, he ran and told Paloma, who used this as an opportunity to rally the house against Taylor. Paloma effectively painted Taylor as a "liar" and a "snake" of some sort, and the former’s manipulative tactics work.
After Michael removes himself as a nominee for eviction, Daniel replaces him with Taylor.
Episode 4
Having been officially nominated, Taylor is shocked to hear that Daniel’s justification for his move is because she’s been "rubbing people the wrong way." With that being news to her, Taylor goes around the house to see who may have negative feelings about her. She eventually is able to gather that Monte told Paloma about the conversation she had with him, and now Paloma was spreading rumors that Taylor couldn’t be trusted. Although Taylor attempts to clear the air with Paloma, Paloma is a brick wall and the two continue to stay at odds.
Later in the house, it appears that Paloma is not holding up well. She’s not been eating or sleeping, and the other competitors are legitimately worried about her health. Shortly thereafter, the housemates get a note that Paloma has left the house for personal reasons.
Just like that, after all the controversy Paloma has stirred in the house, she’s the first one to actually leave. Both Taylor and Terrance escape eviction.
By the way, check out why Paloma left the competition.
Episode 5
The episode pretty much kicks off with the HOH competition. Ameerah, Jasmine, Kyle, Michael, Monte, Taylor and Joseph face off in a game where they must answer a series of true or false questions about the Big Brother hotel. The only catch is that they must use their faces to dig through pies in order to find a "T" or "F" to respond to each question. Competitors are eliminated for wrong answers, or in some cases, for taking too long to answer a question. In the end, it’s Jasmine who comes out victorious. With an HOH selected, let the weekly scheming begin.
Even with Paloma out of the house, it appears that Taylor still has a target on her back. Pooch attempts to convince some competitors, specifically Jasmine, of a plan he has. He wants to go on the nomination block as a pawn with Brittany in an effort to backdoor Taylor. By backdooring her, she wouldn’t be able to save herself via a veto.
After listening to Pooch’s plan, Jasmine seemingly agrees with it. However, she also appears to agree to a later proposed plan to put Taylor up as a pawn, and then backdoor someone else to replace her. Now obviously, the plans are conflicting ones. So what does Jasmine do in the end? She nominates both Pooch and Taylor for eviction and decides to let the cards fall how they fall.
Episode 6
In some great news for Taylor, going into the Veto competition, it appears that she for once is not the main target of the house. As HOH, Jasmine informs most of the house guests that are competing in the competition that her goal is to actually get Pooch out of the house. Even with that news, Taylor is still determined to win the Veto to remove herself, because she doesn’t trust the ladies in the house and their intentions.
As the Veto challenge begins, the contestants have to shoot three volleyballs into a hole with only their head and face as their legs are bound by a mermaid costume and they aren’t allowed to use their arms and hands. Despite Taylor’s determination, she loses the power of the veto to Michael. Michael wins for the second straight week in a row.
Michael then floats the idea to Jasmine that perhaps they should remove Taylor from the chopping block and replace her with Joseph in an attempt to get one of the “stronger” competitors out of the house (either him or Pooch). Although Jasmine and other players seem intrigued by the idea, in the end, the nominations remain the same. Taylor and Pooch still face eviction.
Episode 7/8
While Pooch is seemingly oblivious to the fact that he’s in danger of going home, Joseph tries to voice his concern for Pooch to Monte. Unfortunately for Monte, he places himself in an awkward position with his alliance with the women, mainly Nicole, by trying to convince the ladies to actually vote Taylor out of the house instead of Pooch. Nicole doesn’t appear to take kindly to feeling as if she’s being played, so this move may come back to bite Monte later.
Anyway, at the live eviction, Pooch is eliminated from the competition having received a vote of 12–0 (ouch). Perhaps he should have listened to Joseph.
Before the new HOH competition kicks off, Julie announces that the game will be played in pairs. If one person in the pair wins HOH, they both win. If one person is nominated for eviction, they both are nominated. If one person is saved by a veto, they are both saved. Now the pairing is determined by the day’s HOH competition, which is reminiscent of musical chairs. The duos are as follows: Monte and Joseph, Nicole and Taylor, Kyle and Daniel, Indy and Alyssa, Ameerah and Terrance, Michael and Brittany and Turner and Jasmine.
After some conversations, the new HOH twosome of Turner and Jasmine decides to nominate the pairing of Michael and Brittany for elimination.
Episode 9
Honestly, the level of disgust some of these housemates have for Taylor is weird, annoying and bordering chaotic. Her own partner Nicole is ready to throw a veto competition in order to backdoor Taylor to a nomination to get her out of the house. Nicole is convinced Taylor is not a good person and so is Daniel, but keep in mind, so far there has been no footage that explains why they feel this way.
So while Daniel and Nicole work on a plan to get Taylor out of the house, Joseph, Kyle, Monte and Turner devise a plan of their own to start picking off the girls and their alliance. Given Taylor is clearly not a part of the girl alliance, they set their sights on winning the veto to backdoor Ameerah as a nominee and vote her out. This guy alliance, named the Pound, has a plan and is ready to execute it. But then Michael and Brittany win the power of veto.
In the wake of this, another alliance emerges. After Daniel inexplicably blows up on Taylor for an alleged act of passive aggression on her part toward Nicole, Joseph gets fed up, as he’s tired of the way Taylor has been treated. He recruits Michael and Brittany and Monte pulls in Taylor, and the Leftovers alliance takes shape. Taylor may finally get the support she needs to have a fighting chance in the competition.
Episode 10
Oh what a difference a day makes. Taylor is finally getting some justice. With Michael and Brittany removing themselves from the chopping block for eviction, the two are replaced with Ameerah and Terrance, which shocks Ameerah. She only finds herself more shocked when it’s announced that with a 7-4 vote, she’s the one being evicted from the house.
With her out of the house, Julie tells Terrance he can join one of the twosomes and become a threesome, and he hops on the team with Monte and Joseph. As the episode nears a close, the HOH competition looks as if it’s going to get on its way, but then the episode ends. Not having an HOH going into the next episode is actually angering fans. They’ll have to wait a few short days to see what happens.
Episode 11
As the HOH competition continues, with the players searching for find red invitations in a slew of envelopes and then later sliding goblets across tables in an effort to score the highest points, for a while it looks as if Nicole is going to be the new HOH. For her, that would be an amazing feat as she is anxious to exact revenge for Ameerah being evicted from the house. Unfortunately for her, at the eleventh hour, it’s Monte who claims victory.
With plans to exact revenge dashed, Nicole, Alyssa, Indy and Jasmine turn their attention to the blame game. On par with the unfortunate theme of this season, they blame Taylor. At this point, we wonder if these competitors care how they are going to be perceived once they exit the house.
Anyway, the Leftovers have to come up with a plan for nominations. The idea of getting Nicole out of the house is discussed, but Monte as the HOH doesn’t want Taylor to be used as a pawn again (remember Taylor and Nicole are Festies Besties). So instead, he nominates Indy and Alyssa, although depending on how the Veto competition goes, he’s open to backdooring Nicole if need be.
Episode 12
In the latest episode of Big Brother, while The Leftovers try to figure out how they can get Nicole out of the house, the main obstacle appears to be Daniel. Having a final two alliance with Nicole and saying she is the only player he can trust, Daniel says that his main goal is winning the POV competition so he can protect his ally. And he does, but from there he makes what some are calling the "dumbest moves in Big Brother history."
Episode 13
This eviction episode picks right where the previous one did, with Daniel using his power of veto that results in his ally Nicole getting put up for eviction against Taylor. While this is the matchup that Nicole and Daniel wanted to try and get Taylor out, the rest of the housemates have been eager to send Nicole packing. That's just what hey did as Nicole is evicted in a 9-to-1 vote, with Daniel being her only support. Read more about the latest Big Brother eviction right here.
Episode 14
Now that his BFF Nicole is out of the house, Daniel goes into a bit of a meltdown. First, he shames Alyssa for voting to evict Nicole. He then informs Monte in front of everyone that the recently former HOH is going to win the season, perhaps in an attempt to put a target on Monte’s back. Outside of being the Daniel show, the episode is also the Jasmine show.
The house has found itself very annoyed by Jasmine, especially in light of Muffin Gate, in which she goes around to her castmates in search of the person who ate the other half of her muffin.
When it’s time for this week’s HOH competition, Daniel tries his hardest to beat out his competitors. However, it’s Michael who winds up being crowned the new HOH. In a shocking nomination, he nominates Terrance, Joseph and Monte for eviction.
Episode 15
Daniel continues to make his rounds in an attempt to rally enough people to join him in his quest to get Monte out of the house while saving his own hide. He first approaches Terrance, who surprisingly is on board with getting rid of his Festie Bestie. Daniel then approaches Jasmine, Alyssa and Indy, and they too are on board with getting Monte out of the house, perceiving him as a threat.
Before any moves are made, this newly formed alliance must await the results of the Veto competition. Winning for yet another time, Michael claims victory and the power of the Veto.
Jasmine, Alyssa, Indy, Daniel and Terrance each then go to Michael and pitch that he should try to get Monte out of the house. Unfortunately for them, their pitch is too similar, and Michael senses something is not quite right. In the end, he winds up changing nominations for the week and puts up Daniel and Kyle for eviction with the goal of getting Daniel out of the house. We wonder how Monte and Joseph will feel when they hear what Terrance tried to do. We have a feeling he may be next on the chopping block.
Episode 16
Getting the expected news out of the way first, Daniel is not happy about being nominated for eviction. In fact, he spends his remaining time in the house throwing insults, calling the other players weak and inflating his own importance in the competition. When it comes time for the eviction votes, he’s sent packing by everyone in the house with the exception of Terrance.
As the next HOH competition precedes, Julie drops some bombshell news. The house will be split into two sides, with neither side interacting with the other, and a double eviction is coming. Talk about another game twist.
Episode 17
Perhaps one of the most exciting comebacks occurs in this episode of Big Brother. The one-time house pariah Taylor becomes the new HOH. While she is wielding quite a bit of power this week and seems to be committed to her Leftover Alliance, she points out that she has no intentions of nominating Jasmine.
As the episode progresses, it becomes clear that Joseph and Kyle may become targets soon in the house as Michael and Brittany are realizing that the two may not be doing their fair share when it comes to helping out the Leftovers Alliance. However, for now, Taylor nominates Terrance and Indy for eviction.
Episode 18
The most interesting thing in this episode happens in the veto competition. Sure, Terrance is determined to win the veto to save his own hide, but right before the players compete in the competition, it’s announced that eliminated players in the game receive either a punishment or a prize.
As the veto challenge kicks off, Taylor finds herself getting eliminated. However, fortunately for her, she doesn’t receive a punishment but a prize trip to London. Obviously, the other competitors want that trip, which someone could theoretically take, but Taylor openly makes it known that she’s still the HOH. As such, if the winner of the veto decides to use it, she still has the power to nominate someone else. Unfortunately for Taylor, Alyssa disregards that message and takes Taylor’s trip, rubbing Taylor the wrong way.
Viewers have to wait and see if the veto is used and if Taylor has to replace her initial nominations with someone like Alyssa. By the way, check out how fans feel about a possible replacement nominee on Big Brother.
Episode 19
Despite some conversations among the other contestants about Kye possibly using the power of the veto, he ultimately keeps the nominations as they are, rescuing his showmance beau Alyssa. This move doesn’t exactly go over well with the Leftover Alliance. (Kyle isn’t winning any fans in the house or online after insinuating that contestants of color will all form an alliance to win).
At the elimination ceremony, Indy is voted out of the house 7-1.
Shortly thereafter, Julie reveals the game-changing twist that the house will be split into two games with five contestants at Dyre Festival (outside) and five at Brochella (inside). Additionally, Terrance will be HOH for the former, while Michael will be HOH for the latter. The group assignment for the rest of the contestants is something that is to be decided next episode.
Episode 20
New HOHs Michael and Terrance pick their squads. Joining Michael inside at Brochella are Jasmine, Brittany, Taylor and Monte. That leaves Turner, Alyssa, Joseph and Kyle to join Terrance outside at Dyre Festival.
Right away, Terrance boldly tells both Turner and Alyssa that he has no plans of nominating them for elimination. That would seemingly mean he plans to nominate Joseph and Kyle. But then, Kyle tells Terrance about the Leftovers Alliance and that the alliance sought to get rid of the new HOH last week, and that changes Terrance’s mind.
At the inside nomination ceremony, as HOH, Michael nominates Jasmine and Monte for elimination. (For now, Monte believes he’s a pawn.) Meanwhile, Terrance nominates Turner and Joseph. Considering what Terrance told Turner about him being safe this week, the next episode should be quite interesting leading up to the veto challenge.
Episode 21
With the competition officially split into two groups, separate veto competitions are incredibly important this week, especially in the Dyre Festival camp where two members of the Leftovers Alliance are up for eviction. Oh, and we can’t forget that Jasmine in the Brochella group is not happy about being nominated for eviction on her birthday.
As the separate veto competitions begin, Terrance shocks the Dyre Festival group (and viewers at home) by winning. With the Power of Veto, he decides to take Turner off of the chopping block and replace him with Kyle. What makes this slightly comical, is the fact that Kyle has been scheming ever since the house was split into two groups, and has been on a campaign to pick off the Leftovers Alliance.
Over with Brochella, Brittany winds up winning the Power of Veto and decides to keep the nominations as they are, which again, bothers Jasmine. We’ll have to see if Jasmine has sealed her fate to be eliminated. Also, Joseph is a strong player, but will he be able to convince Terrance to vote Kyle out of Dyre Festival instead of him?
Episode 22
Sadly for the Leftover Alliance, Joseph is sent home packing. He was unable to sway Terrance and persuade him that Kyle couldn’t be trusted. Additionally, in a shocking vote, even Turner voted to send Joseph home. Meanwhile, among the other group of houseguests, Jasmine is also evicted from Big Brother.
As the two factions of the house reunite, the remaining members of the Leftover Alliance are disheartened to see that Joseph has been booted from the competition. It looks like Kyle may have a target on his back in future episodes for all of his plotting and scheming.
Episode 23
As the house is reunited, the newly formed alliance of Terrance, Alyssa, Kyle and Turner (aka the Afterparty) immediately starts spinning their narrative as to why they voted Joseph out of the house. They attempted to paint him as "acting crazy." However, the Leftover Alliance from Brochella isn’t buying the lies and now sees the pending HOH competition as an extremely crucial one.
The HOH competition for the week requires the houseguests to stack tiny cans using a big pair of tweezers. Unfortunately for the Leftovers Alliance, they suffer another blow to their game as Turner wins and becomes the new HOH. When it boils down to it, Turner nominates both Brittany and Taylor for eviction.
Is it possible that Brittany’s game bestie Michael will win another Veto challenge and save her? Or will Taylor win it for herself and again escape elimination? We’ll just have to wait and see.
Episode 24
While we aren’t sure why, Kyle decides to come clean to Monte, a fellow member of The Pound Alliance, about what happened at Dyre Festival. With Alyssa and Turner present, Kyle explains that he told Terrance all about The Leftovers Alliance. Monte was not happy to hear about the betrayal.
Later on, after winning the veto for the week, Michael takes Brittany with him to have a conversation with Monte and Taylor about what else Kyle’s been saying. Kyle may have confessed to spilling the beans about The Leftovers Alliance, but he hasn’t been forthcoming about his accusations that the people of color in the house were forming an alliance. Once Michael and Brittany reveal what Kyle said, Monte and Taylor don’t appear shocked but are disappointed.
As news of Kyle’s allegation makes it to Turner, he pretty much vows to want nothing to do with that kind of thinking expressed by Kyle. Viewers we’ll have to wait until the next episode to see if Kyle becomes the number one target to get out of the house.
Episode 25
The tides definitely turned against Kyle. After his comments were revealed, Terrance and Monte, especially the latter, spent a lot of time during the episode explaining to Kyle why his comments were hurtful. Although Kyle listened and was perhaps even remorseful for his words, the house still voted to evict him.
Now while Michael and Brittany are happy to have survived another week, they may enjoy the rest of the competition with a target on their backs. The other housemates were not pleased that the two withheld the information about Kyle and utilized it to save their own hides in the competition.
Episode 26
As the competition dwindles down, the HOH challenges become more and more important. This week, the HOH challenge calls for the contestants to put together a puzzle that replicates the famous Zingbot from the show. Unsurprisingly, Michael again wins HOH for the week, annoying his housemates who see him as a huge threat.
Unfortunately for them, his housemates are unable to do anything about trying to eliminate Michael this week. In fact, by the close of the episode, he nominates Alyssa and Terrance for eviction.
Episode 27
With nominations set, Michael has a conversation with Alyssa and informs her that his target is actually Terrance. He then goes to speak with Terrance, and Terrance takes the opportunity to share that Michael being backdoored into nominations last week was really due to the power Turner had as HOH. Additionally, Terrance informs him that if he heads to the jury house, he’ll be happy to share with the rest of the panel that Michael and Brittany knew the hurtful remarks Kyle had made but sat on the information until it benefited them. That leaves Michael with something to think about.
Then in a feat that should have been predictable at this point, Michael wins this week’s veto competition. He’s now set a record after winning his sixth veto. Despite all the sidebar conversations, Michael keeps the nominations the same. We’ll have to see who goes home on Thursday’s episode.
Episode 28
In a two-eviction night, the first eviction went according to plan, Michael’s plan that is. Terrance is unanimously evicted from the house and understandably is not pleased about it. However, the real drama comes when cameras pan over to the jury house.
In the jury house, Joseph is happy to see Kyle walk after being evicted last weekin as it means he’s no longer in the competition. Joseph’s spirit becomes less jovial when Kyle comes clean about why he got evicted. Joseph, Indy and Jasmine are appalled by Kyle’s outrageous comments about the players of color aligning in an alliance. They’re equally peeved with Michael and Brittany for utilizing Kyle’s ignorance to benefit their own game.
Back in the main house, the next HOH competition takes place, with Turner winning. He’s quick to select Alyssa and Brittany as the new nominees for eviction, but then comes the veto competition. When Monte wins the veto, he shakes things up and replaces Alyssa with Michael as the other nominee. Michael tries to save himself in the house by throwing his Big Brother bestie Brittany under the bus, but in the end, he’s evicted.
Episode 29
With perhaps the toughest competitor Michael out of the Big Brother house, the remaining five contestants are eager to compete to be the new HOH. They’re also trying to figure out which allegiances to stay true to as the competition winds down.
After an HOH competition that separated the first and second-place finishers by nine seconds, Monte wound up beating Brittany for the win. As the new HOH and without hesitation, he nominates Brittany and Alyssa for eviction. Although he clearly wants to get Brittany out of the house, depending on what happens with the veto competition, he may be swayed to nominate a replacement nominee in Turner. We’ll have to see what happens next in Wednesday’s episode.
Episode 30
If you’ve been paying attention to the Big Brother Live Feeds, then you know that Taylor and Monte have oddly struck up a showmance. The move is certainly a shocker for fans that have been watching the season, and it will be interesting to see how it will impact the game going forward.
Anyway, it's time for the veto competition, and it’s a lot riding on the outcome as Brittany is desperate to save herself from the chopping block and Turner is desperate not to see himself go up as a replacement nominee. As both essentially go head to head for the veto (the other houseguests weren’t even close to winning), Brittany turns out to be victorious and removes herself from the nominations.
Brittany is quick to inform Monte that if he doesn’t put Turner up as the replacement nominee, she’ll target him next week. That leaves Monte with a lot to think about, as he is fiercely loyal to Turner and he’s developed a showmance with Taylor. In the end, Monte nominates Taylor for eviction, trusting that she’ll be safe and Alyssa will be evicted. It will be interesting to see how that pans out during Thursday’s show.
Episode 31
When it comes time for eviction, Alyssa is kicked out of the house in a 2-1 vote with Monte being the deciding vote. In a twist, it turns out that the one vote for Taylor came courtesy of her "friend" in the house Brittany. However, Brittany is content with not owning her vote and pinning it all on Turner. That lie doesn’t seem to save Brittany from the chopping block this week though.
Next up is the HOH competition, For the houseguests, winning this HOH competition is incredibly important as it guarantees the winner a spot in the finals. With such a high-stakes challenge on the line, all the players sans Monte are laser-focused. In a strike of irony for the woman who was portrayed as enemy number one from the start of the season, Taylor wins HOH and is headed into finale night. She nominates Brittany and Turner for eviction.
Episode 32
This is the most important veto competition of the season, and the remaining houseguests know it, especially Brittany. Brittany is on very thin ice with the other contestants after voting for Taylor, lying about the vote and also for the move she and Michael pulled with Kyle. So she needs the win here.
Unfortunately for Brittany, she narrowly misses out on the power of veto to Monte, who is certainly not a fan of hers. However, if there is one person that could save Brittany it's ironically Taylor. Taylor is convinced that if she and Monte take Brittany to the finals that the former two have a chance of winning the cash prize. Taylor is not confident about her odds against Turner.
Episode 33
With Monte holding the cards in terms of who will be sent home, it seems like Brittany should just start packing at the beginning of the episode as he is adamant that she be the houseguest eliminated. Although she makes a pitch that his chances of winning the competition are better with her in the final three rather than Turner, in the end, Monte goes with his gut and evicts Brittany. The final three heading into the finale are Taylor, Turner and Monte.
Over in the jury house, the biggest shocker of the night came courtesy of Alyssa. She reveals to Joseph that Monte and Taylor have been sleeping in the same bed lately, and Joseph doesn’t seem that welcoming of the news. We’ll have to see if the revelation impacts his voting in the finale.
Episode 34
In the final HOH competition for the season, Monte is able to edge out both Turner and Taylor to win. Although he’s made packs with both Turner and Taylor, he opts to take the latter with him to the final two, effectively sending Turner home.
As the episode continues and Monte and Taylor state their cases for why they should win season 24 of Big Brother, it's Taylor who is crowned the victor. Not only does she become the first Black woman to win the competition, but she’s also the first contestant to win and be selected as America's Favorite Player.
Big Brother season 24 evictions
1. The first contestant to leave the season is Paloma Aguilar. She left the series for personal reasons, so she technically was not evicted, even though she is no longer on the show.
2. Although he's not the first to leave, Joe "Pooch" Pucciarelli is the first contestant to be evicted from season 24.
3. In a shock to her and everyone not aware of "The Leftovers" alliance, Ameerah Jones is sent home.
4. Following Daniel's "dumb" move that put her up for eviction, Nicole was voted out of the Big Brother house in a landslide.
5. Indy is voted out of the house 7-1. Things may have been different if Kyle had done what he was asked and used the power of veto.
6. In a double eviction, both Jasmine Davis and Joseph Abdin are sent home.
7. Kyle is sent home after the whole house learns of his hurtful remarks.
8. Another double eviction sees Terrance and Michael ousted from the house.
9. Alyssa is evicted out of the house in a 2-1 vote.
10. Brittany is evicted, joining her BFF Michael in the jury house.
11. Turner made it to the final three but was evicted before making the final two.
12. Monte is eliminated during the jury's final season 24 vote.
Big Brother season 24 premise
As with every season of Big Brother, the premise of season 24 remains the same. Strangers move into the Big Brother house to compete in a series of challenges all in the hopes of being crowned the winner and taking home the cash prize. While in the house, nearly everything the contestants do will be seen by the cameras, including those moments when they hatch their predictable strategies and schemes.
Big Brother season 24 host
Returning to her hosting duties is Julie Chen Moonves. The Daytime Emmy winner has become synonymous with Big Brother, with good reason. She’s hosted the competition series since its inception in 2000. We aren’t even sure what the show would look like without her front and center.
How to watch Big Brother season 24
The latest season of Big Brother airs live on CBS. For those without traditional cable/satellite television, CBS is also available through a number of live TV streaming services, including FuboTV, Hulu with Live TV and YouTube TV. Paramount Plus Premium subscribers and subscribers to the CBS app also have the opportunity to watch episodes live as they air.
If the previous viewing options don’t appeal to you, Big Brother season 24 can be watched on-demand via the CBS app and Paramount Plus the day after the episodes premiere.
Speaking of Paramount Plus, it's the home of the Big Brother Live Feed if you want to know more about what’s going on in the house that’s not shown on TV.
For UK fans of the show, while Paramount Plus became available in the country as of June 22, we are still waiting to get an official word that UK subscribers will be able to view the series with a Paramount Plus subscription.
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Terrell Smith has a diverse writing background having penned material for a wide array of clients including the federal government and Bravo television personalities. When he’s not writing as Terrell, he’s writing under his pseudonym Tavion Scott, creating scripts for his audio drama podcasts. Terrell is a huge fan of great storytelling when it comes to television and film. Some of his favorite shows include Abbot Elementary, Matlock, The Lincoln Lawyer, Survival of the Thickest, The Pitt and Godfather of Harlem. And a fun fact is he's completely dialed into Bravo Universe and The Young and the Restless (thanks to his grandmother).