'Our Yorkshire Farm' Season 4 — start date, trailer, where to watch and everything you need to know

Our Yorkshire Farm
Our Yorkshire Farm Season 4 will soon be here. (Image credit: Channel 5)

Our Yorkshire Farm Season 4 will soon arrive on Channel 5, focussing on Yorkshire Shepherdess Amanda Owen and her husband Clive along with their nine "free range" children. Viewers will continue to follow the family as they live and work on their 2,000-acre remote hill farm in the Yorkshire Dales.

Daniel Pearl, commissioning editor at Channel 5 said: “Our Yorkshire Farm is such a special programme. It’s more than just a heart-warming documentary, it is a deeper exploration of family bonds, parenting styles and the desire among so many of us to live closer to nature. The Owens are a true inspiration and I can’t wait to see what these next two years will.”

Here's what we know so far...

Our Yorkshire Farm release date

Our Yorkshire Farm is set to return to our screens in Spring 2021, though an exact date has not yet been confirmed. Channel 5 has revealed there's a two-year deal with the Owen family. 

Natalie Wilkinson, Executive Producer, Renegade Pictures added: “As a dedicated production team, we are excited to continue developing the delightful storylines and to maintain our production values, which makes it feel like a beautiful, warm family drama, evolving from an observational documentary.”

What should we expect from the new season?

Our Yorkshire Farm will continue to give viewers an intimate look at their family farm in the Dales. While they haven't given any specific details of what to expect, we're looking forward to seeing the family back on our screen.

In a statement, Channel 5 said: "The series, which first aired in 2018, has garnered immense popularity over the years for its heart-warming and refreshingly honest portrayal of family life in the countryside.

"Viewers and critics have praised Amanda and Clive Owen’s unique parenting style as they raise their nine ‘free-range’ children on their 2,000-acre remote hill farm in the Yorkshire Dales."

Is there a trailer?

Not yet, but Amanda uploaded a video on Twitter alongside daughter Nancy, to confirm the news that they'd be working with Channel 5 for the next two years. We'll keep you updated when a trailer is released!

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